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Existing reminder date lost when changing date

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Using the Android client v6.1

Since sometime in the past few days (since the 'tags' icon appeared, which is a welcome addition, thanks!) I've had the following bug:

When you change the date of an existing reminder the current date and time is lost. It always shows 08:00 Today, as if you were adding a reminder date where there wasn't one.

This fails the use case of "remind me in one hour" or "remind me at the same time tomorrow" etc.

The previous behaviour was to show the currently set reminder date and time, which is what it should do.


Does anyone else see this?


Second bug: If you click cancel the reminder date is removed. That is not what cancel means - if the dialogue is supposed to remove the reminder date (a valid action) the label should be 'Remove'. Anyway, I am pretty sure that previously it would cancel the dialogue and leave the existing reminder date and time in place.



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