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I'm a Evernote Premium customer

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  • Level 5*

I originally became a Premium Account owner because I thought the EN Apps (all combined) were well worth $5/month, and I wanted to contribute to the financial support of Evernote.  The basic, free, feature of syncing across all platforms/devices was then, and still is, the key feature for me.


In case you weren't aware, see the Evernote KB article: Comparison of EN Account Types.  Note that Evernote has stated that they are in the process of rolling out an increase of the monthly upload allowance to 4GB for Premium/Business users.

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I never considered the financial support for Evernote when I purchased my yearly membership. I was interested in what features the Premium version would have.


Have you ever had to explain to people what Evernote does as a product?


The more people I talk to about Evernote, I try to give them real case examples where it might be useful to them. When I first started with Evernote, I was so much about the structure and Notebooks and tags. Now as time has progressed, I am using Evernote daily for various tasks, clippings, songs, lists...


As Troy Malone, General Manager, Evernote APAC, said at the 'Evernote for Work meet up' in Melbourne, Australia recently, "a plumber to a window fitter" all use Evernote. He gave us clear examples where it benefits the business user and the customer.


Similarly, Andrew Sinkov, Evernote VP Marketing, said in his recent 'The Evolution of Evernote" presentation: "Remember everything is whatever you want it to be.".


My new tagline for Evernote would be "Evernote for Everyone". © ®   :)


Remember you heard it first from me as the new tagline. Right?

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