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How to easily organize your evernote as a note taker and a GTD tool.

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Hi Alexandros,

I clicked your link and it took me to your blog, but says the page no longer exists. Would you please re-post it?

Thanks! ☺


Hi EN users.

I know that many of us are struggling to use EN as GTD tool. Here is a guide that I made that worked for me.

I hope it helps you also.




Hi Wordsgood! 


Thank you for notifying. Do not know what happened. Can you please click again on the text?

Thank you! Please let me know if it worked and of course your feedback. :) 

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Yup, works fine now!



Hi Alexandros,

I clicked your link and it took me to your blog, but says the page no longer exists. Would you please re-post it?

Thanks! ☺

Hi EN users.

I know that many of us are struggling to use EN as GTD tool. Here is a guide that I made that worked for me.

I hope it helps you also.


Hi Wordsgood!

Thank you for notifying. Do not know what happened. Can you please click again on the text?

Thank you! Please let me know if it worked and of course your feedback. :)



Great! Looking forward to seeing your feedback!

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