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(Archived) Failed to sync pending notes

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I have two new notes created on my palm pre and I can't sync them with my evernote account. I am online and can see all of my notes. I have a good wifi and cell connection. If I click the evernote menu I can go to the pending updates card were I can see the 2 notes but every time I click on the sync symbol at the bottom left of the window I get the same error message: "failed to sync pending notes". If I try to logout I get an alert that there are pending notes that will be lost if I logout.

Can anyone help me to solve this?


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The Pending notes should be saved in the local database, so if you restart, you should be able to try again. If that doesn't work, you may need to delete those pending notes to proceed.

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I tried again this morning to sync the two pending notes unsuccessfully. I then deleted the two notes and tried again by adding a new test note. This time the test note did sync with the server without problems. Not sure why. Maybe there was a problem with the previous notes or a problem with the server yesterday?


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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm running Evernote for Palm Pre 0.1.13. I'm receiving the "Failed to sync pending notes" message consistently. I've tried deleting the pending notes, but they're still there. I've logged out of Evernote and logged back in, taken Evernote down and brought it up again, and rebooted the Pre. Anybody ?



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  • 1 month later...
I had several pending notes to sync on my Pre. All but two synced. The remaining two don't seem to want to sync.


You don't need to delete all your pending notes. You just delete the first note and sometimes the rest of the notes get sync. I think that it is just the "bad" note blocking the way for other notes to sync. Also, I am looking a way to "remedy" the bad note. One thing it works for me is to delete all the tag(s) the "bad" note assoicated.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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