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report a bug for search


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  • Level 5*

Weird,  but I typed flip in one note,  selected another and searched for flip in the search bar - the focus jumped to the highlighted word immediately.  Don't see why your version is word-blind in that area.


I'd suggest creating a new note to see if you can find the word there - you could be typing into an existing note amongst hidden code that's causing a conflict somehow.

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  • Level 5*

Well, it's a bit of a mystery to me. There's nothing special about the word "flip" (I can find plenty of notes with containing the word), and while it's strange that you can find it inside the note while the note search seemingly cannot, they are different searches in their implementation as far as I can tell. Me, I'd export the note to .enex and examine it to see if there's anything funky about it, and maybe open a support request.

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Can you find it if you delete the word flip and spaces around it and then retype it into the note?  Old hidden character issue ....


well, it's really wired

if I type flip in the line, it cannot be found; but if I type it in another line, it can be searched.

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  • Level 5*

Can you find it if you delete the word flip and spaces around it and then retype it into the note?  Old hidden character issue ....

Yeah, that's why I'd export it to .enex and look at it in a text editor.

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Can you find it if you delete the word flip and spaces around it and then retype it into the note?  Old hidden character issue ....

Yeah, that's why I'd export it to .enex and look at it in a text editor.



I see the reason


the words in the note has chinese words and punctuation: "相关工作:Flip-N-Write"


in the exported .enex, which I open in a text editor, it turn to be "/></div><div>鐩稿叧宸ヤ綔锛欶lip-N-Write"


the 'f' is lost.


so this may be related to the encoding of chinese words

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  • Level 5*

That seems more likely than an actual problem with search. Not sure what happened with the encoding thing, though. Not much expertise in that area on my end, sad to say. Good detective work, though!

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  • Level 5*

Not sure about the different encoding,  but if "flip" (or "lip") is actually part of a longer string,  it won't be found by a search anyway.  Only the beginnings of word strings can be found,  not the middle or the end.  In "相关工作:Flip-N-Write"  only the "相关*" would be searchable.

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