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How to make nested tags show their parent tag

Olivia V.

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How can i make nested tags appear in their parent folder?  


e.g. Susie and John are professors at the Tokyo campus, so their names are nested under Tokyo faculty.  

when i tag Susie's travel itinerary and John's travel itinerary with their respective names and the "travel" tag, id like to be able to go into the Tokyo faculty folder and search by tag "travel" in order to see the itineraries of all Tokyo professors

Is this impossible without double-tagging?


Please advise - I'm very new to Evernote!

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  • Level 5

Tags do not have a hierarchy (apart from aesthetic display).  You'll find much discussion in the forums.


But you can create your own with tags.


See a couple of examples:


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  • Level 5*


Tags do not have a hierarchy (apart from aesthetic display).  You'll find much discussion in the forums.


But you can create your own with tags.




This is confusing and contradictory.


Tags *do* have a hierarchy.  It is just that the hierarchy does NOT apply to Note selection or search.

It's main purpose is to organize Tags.  But some people have use it to organize section, subsections of a document/book. 


Here is a screen shot from EN Mac 5.5.2 of a small Tag Hierarchy:



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Semantic hierarchy? No.

Aesthetic (i.e. non-functional) hierarchy? Yes.


How can i make nested tags appear in their parent folder?  


e.g. Susie and John are professors at the Tokyo campus, so their names are nested under Tokyo faculty.  

when i tag Susie's travel itinerary and John's travel itinerary with their respective names and the "travel" tag, id like to be able to go into the Tokyo faculty folder and search by tag "travel" in order to see the itineraries of all Tokyo professors

Is this impossible without double-tagging?


Please advise - I'm very new to Evernote!

In other words, yes, you will probably wind up double-tagging if you wish to employ a "travel" tag and tags for the individual faculty members. Double-tagging is a good thing, but don't too get hung up on tag hierarchies (generally you wouldn't call tags "folders"; you'd use the terms "parent" and "child"). Because of the terminology, I'm finding it a little hard to figure out what you're asking. Here's the lay of the land:

* Notes contain your content: text, images, attachments.

* Notebooks contain notes.

* Stacks contain notebooks.

* Tags are labels that you can stick on notes. Tags can be organized into trees (the parent/child thing), but there's no intrinsic relationship between a parent and a child tag. You cannot use, in search, a child tag to locate its parent, or vice-versa.

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  • Level 5*

Semantic hierarchy? No.

Aesthetic (i.e. non-functional) hierarchy? Yes.



You are welcome to your OPINION, but the Tag List is a hierarchical list.  It contains Parents and children, which is the definition of a hierarchy.


The Tag  hierarchy does not apply to the Notes that a tag is assigned to in the way that some of us would like.

So, the Notes are NOT part of the hierarchy.


The OP asked the question:  "How can i make nested tags appear in their parent folder? "


That has been answered.  

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  • Level 5*


Semantic hierarchy? No.

Aesthetic (i.e. non-functional) hierarchy? Yes.

You are welcome to your OPINION, but the Tag List is a hierarchical list.  It contains Parents and children, which is the definition of a hierarchy.


You really ought to RE-READ what you quoted. It's well understood that the tags define a HIERARCHY. I SAY that, in my QUOTE. You are welcome to your COMPLETE MISREADING OF WHAT I WROTE, of course.

You yourself like to CLAIM that adding the ability for search to understand the TAG HIERARCHY would be a good thing. That's what 'semantic hierarchy' means, in my world. As it is, there is NO SEMANTIC CONNECTION between TAGS in the TAG HIERARCHY. It's just AESTHETIC, as cwb would have it. Purely ORGANIZATIONAL.


The Tag  hierarchy does not apply to the Notes that a tag is assigned to in the way that some of us would like.

So, the Notes are NOT part of the hierarchy.

??? Who said anything about that? As it is, notes are part of a hierarchy, albeit a pretty shallow one. STACKS --> NOTEBOOKS --> NOTES.


The OP asked the question:  "How can i make nested tags appear in their parent folder? "


That has been answered.  

That was not the whole of the question; the rest of Olivia's post was a little vague, conceptually, and the offer is still there to help clear things up for her.

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  • Level 5

How can i make nested tags appear in their parent folder?  


e.g. Susie and John are professors at the Tokyo campus, so their names are nested under Tokyo faculty.  

when i tag Susie's travel itinerary and John's travel itinerary with their respective names and the "travel" tag, id like to be able to go into the Tokyo faculty folder and search by tag "travel" in order to see the itineraries of all Tokyo professors

Is this impossible without double-tagging?


Please advise - I'm very new to Evernote!


Yes, there is a way to do this without double-tagging. I use a system with Parent and Child level tags that would work.

But it requires more work than a simple second tag. Adding a 2nd tag is a far simpler method. 

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