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Hi. Welcome to the forums. Please be more specific about your problems and we'll try to help out!


I'm not sure what Nudgee's specific issue is but, for starters, does Evernote even exist (yet) for Tizen?  I have a Gear 2 Neo, and I do not see Evernote in the Samsung Apps store, despite the fact that articles such as the following suggest that it does exist:




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Same for me. The Evernote App was one of the main reasons why I bought my Samsung Gear 2 Neo thus I am a bit disappointed that it is not available yet. Any updates regarding the release date for the App?



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Evernote Support answered me today (in German) :


Hello Premium,

Hallo! Mein Name ist Tiarra und ich helfe Ihnen gerne,

Zu dieser Zeit haben wir Evernote für Pebble.

Um mehr darüber zu lesen: http://​blog.​evernote.​com/​blog/​2014/​03/​07/​evernote-go-introducing-evernote-pebble/​

Hof­fentlich hilft das! Bitte melden Sie sich bei mir wieder, falls Sie weitere Fragen haben. Danke, dass Sie Evernote benutzen und ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag,

Tiarra C.



For non German speakers: there seems only a Evernote version for the Pebble...

They even didn't mention the Evernote version for the gear 1...

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