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Opening Evernote note in ibooks

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I have saved a bunch of pdf files in EN. When I try to "open in iBooks" on my iPad, I see a really weird name in iBooks. For example, in EN, the name of the file is "skinny-pasta-primavera-Reci.pdf" but when it transfers to iBooks the name becomes F08299FB-D79D- ... etc. This didn't used to happen! What's up with that?

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Either it is an evernote asset number, or it is the iBooks asset number. iBooks renames files in a really odd way. 


I really do not recommend using iBooks for PDFs, there are many other applckations out there that do a far superior job. PDF Expert ($9)/Documents 5 (FREE!) from Readdle are my favourites, but there is also Notability, GoodReader, and several others. These applications also allow you to more easily get your documents OUT, whereas iBooks makes this a little harder. 



iBooks is great for ePub books purchased from the iBookstore, but it is NOT a really great PDF reader. 


You might find a similar discussion that took place here helpful:


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Yes, it is causing a problem -- I've had no trouble with PDF's in iBooks until this came up. And I've been using EN for a long time and saving PDF's into iBooks with the correct file name. Either a new version of EN or a new version of iBooks or the fact that I've recently upgraded to an iPad 4 (from iPad 1) -- one or more of these is the culprit IMO. I do have a PDF reader app -- and am getting the very same "asset number" as the file name. I use EN to store recipes I encounter on the web and I use iBooks to store selected recipes to my weekly menu folder. Now I don't know if I'm having pork chops for dinner or F08299FB... Like I said, this USED to work just fine!


Any ideas? Maybe I should abandon EN for DropBox?

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Ah, if you upgraded from an iPad 1 to a more recent one, then you would indeed be dealing with new iBooks and new Evernote versions. Definitely one of these changes could be at play. 


With respect to using EN or Dropbox, you might want to visit that link I posted in my previous reply. That link is to a thread where a similar question was addressed.

Ultimately it is up to you. I personally do not use Evernote to store PDFs, in part because of the trouble you are encountering. 


On the other hand, why not use either a Weekly Meal notebook or Weekly Meal tag in Evernote to organize your week's meals and use Evernote's built in PDF viewer? If you aren't doing sophisticated PDF annotations, the internal PDF viewer is perfectly acceptable in my opinion (at least for small 1-3 page PDFs). 

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Thanks, Scott -- it is a bit distressing to learn that upgrading to new versions of software/hardware could result in less satisfactory results than with older versions. Darn! I will try what you suggest, ie, just using EN and not "open in iBooks".

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Thanks, Scott -- it is a bit distressing to learn that upgrading to new versions of software/hardware could result in less satisfactory results than with older versions. Darn! I will try what you suggest, ie, just using EN and not "open in iBooks".

It is important to remember that, from the sounds of it you have leapfrogged about 2 years of iOS versions and Evernote versions, so this is a BIG jump. It isn't terribly surprising that it might disrupt workflows based on the older systems. I can understand how this could be distressing, but indeed so might have been the jump from Windows 98 to Windows XP!


Indeed I think Evernote along could do everything you need, but in that other thread I discuss some third-party applications that might also be useful. Take this distressing opportunity to play around a bit!

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