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Premium Services

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Can you explain what you mean by "cannot find"? Many premium features aren't really the kind to be "found" (e.g., indexing the contents of .docx files isn't something that is found per se). 


Which features are you lacking, specifically?

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Hear, hear, on the upgrade....I did it specifically for the slideshow capability.........only to find that feature is only available on the Mac platform.....and very little, or no, messages, after I upgraded on using premium features......seems like $XX poorly spent.

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Excuse my poor choice of words. What I meant was I received no "introduction to premium features" sort of email from EN. 


And what you mean by an 'in app' message, I don't know but when I buy an upgrade such as this which has no easily identified premium features, I'd expect something from the vendor.

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I agree with metrodon in the sense it seems reasonable to assume a potential customer does their due diligence to inform themselves of the features of the service BEFORE buying.

That being said, Evernote does not offer any clear and concise "tick-box"-style breakdown of features offered between tiers (and platforms, I suppose) which makes due diligence a little harder than it could be I think.

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Ah yes, eating my words as I type here. (Except this doesn't point out that free users can make one editable shared notebook, or that there is a global notebook limit for free users and premium users and that these limits are different, or that presentation mode isn't available on all clients, or allow users to evaluate the difference between premium and business [granted that is a rather small subset of users.]).

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I think Evernote does quite well in keeping the promotion of premium service in an non-intrusive way. There is no "UPGRADE NOW" or premium tier introduction all over places to persuade free members to pay. 


I guess most people turn to premium after they actually see the limitation like offline notebook or uploading quota so the assumption is that by the time of upgrading, they should have well acknowledged what the premium package could offer.

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This is a user forum. While Evernote employees might read your messages, feedback about clarity of communication (or the lack thereof) is best directed at Evernote support: http://evernote.com/contact/support/


Regarding the communication in this forum:


Metrodon has given you a link to a list of premium features: http://evernote.com/premium/


In your next post you state that there is no list of identifiable features. Did you bother to check the information that is being offered? Do you want help from other users at all?


Personally, when I'm trying to help someone and (s)he decides to ignore the information I give, I think a little snarkiness might be appropriate.


While it's understandable from a human perspective that once in a while, one needs to vent frustration or ask for expressions of sympathy, most regulars in this forum are here because they want to help others and solve problems. When they try to do so, and it becomes clear that help in the non-emotional sense is not welcome after all, it's frustrating, too.

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In answer to all mothers superior here, I upgraded for one feature ONLY: the slideshow feature....If you can ever so kindly point me to where it states that this feature is for MACS only, I will defer to your superior and motherly advice.


Have a nice day; I will.

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Why should forum users have to prove to you the nonexistence of something (the claim that slideshows are a premium feature). It works the other way round: where did Evernote claim that slideshows were a premium feature?


But in any case -- if you've got a bone to pick with Evernote, not other forum users, please contact support: http://evernote.com/contact/support/


By the way, if you want cross-platform slideshows, you can use Evernote Web: http://blog.evernote.com/blog/2012/08/02/evernote-web-gets-image-slideshows-and-linkedin-sharing/

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Thanks for the pointer to web slideshows ~ wasn't aware of it. 


Evernote came through in the end and very graciously refunded my premium payment.


All bones are buried; no picking here.



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Do you use the slideshow feature with the Web version (Windows, that is)?


I have attached a few images into a note. However when I then reload that note, I cannot find the slideshow feature....any hints?



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In answer to all mothers superior here, I upgraded for one feature ONLY: the slideshow feature....If you can ever so kindly point me to where it states that this feature is for MACS only, I will defer to your superior and motherly advice.


Have a nice day; I will.

You are right, this is not very clear. It really should be more clearly presented in the Premium page which features are currently platform specific. At the moment, the best indication I could find is:



Glad you got your refund. Presentation mode for windows is in beta so I expect you'll be seeing it soon. 

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Do you use the slideshow feature with the Web version (Windows, that is)?


I have attached a few images into a note. However when I then reload that note, I cannot find the slideshow feature....any hints?




I didn't properly answer your second question in my previous post. I've briefly tried out the Web slideshow feature I mentioned earlier. Below is a description about how it worked:


  • First step is to open Evernote Web in the browser: https://www.evernote.com/Home.action
  • Log in if necessary
  • Navigate the the note which contains several images
  • In the toolbar, you'll see a "photos" icon (this is the slideshow function). Click it (see first picture below)
  • The slideshow will start in the browser. Click the full screen button if needed (see second picture below)
  • You can navigate through the sildeshow by clicking on the arrow icons, or by pressing the cursor left/right keys on your keyboard.


Figure 1: Activating the Slideshow Feature in Evernote Web:





Figure 2: Going Full Screen:



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