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2014 Building a Better Evernote -- Mac Edition



  • Level 5*

As some of you may know, Phil Libin (CEO of Evernote) made a blog post promising to improve Evernote's performance this year.


Sounds good to me! I like seeing a re-dedication to making the service fulfill its potential, especially for "power" users. Let's help the developers out by listing all together some of the things we would like to see improved. This thread isn't about new feature suggestions, but fixes to existing functionality -- in other words, things that ought to work well, but aren't.


1. Bullets

I am still getting weird stuff like first level bullets next to second level ones. It would be nice to see this change.

2. Connecting...

If I don't have a connection to the Internet, it takes ages to switch accounts, and it never stops trying to connect. Everything slows down (more than normal). Changing the preferences to manual sync doesn't help until I quit the app and start again. Then, everything runs (relatively) fast for a while, until it tries to connect again. I don't think I should have to change my preferences and keep quitting the app to work efficiently.

3. Lag

Most of my searches take a few seconds to complete (sometimes ten or more seconds), even recent ones from the drop-down menu. I've sent in videos in the past. I would like to see the search work more quickly. At least give me an indicator to show that the app is still functioning.

4. Mystery Search Parameters

This has been a problem for a long time (I've sent in plenty of screenshots and videos). I do a search, it eventually works, I tap on something like "Notebooks" and then go to "Notes" and I only see the handful of notes from the last search, but no search is in the search field. What is the app searching for? I have no idea. I don't remember. I press "Clear" and nothing happens. Eventually, tapping around, it clears itself. This is an intermittent problem that I encounter several times every day.

5. Visual Cues

Can anyone tell the difference between Local and Synced notebooks in the interface? I bet very few people know off the top of their heads. The only discernible difference I can see is when you mouse over and options appear. You get no options for the local stuff. Surely, we can do better than this! I name my notebooks "local" and "synced" to keep them straight.

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12. Syncing

- Why is it syncing? It just started and won't stop. I changed two notes on the iPad. The Mac version has been syncing for several minutes now and won't stop. This is tiring to watch... What does this mean in the log--is this slowing things down; this all I have in my log for the last few hours? 2014-01-13 16:26:02 [ENNaturalSearchTipSuggestor] DEBUG: Natural Search Tip Suggestion:created:week-1

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11. Downloading

- I moved four notes to my mobile notebook to sync with Evernote on my iPad in preparation for a meeting I have in a few minutes. Four minutes later, it is still "downloading," nothing is syncing, and the Activity Log is showing apparently unrelated activities. It's too late. I have copy / pasted into something else and I will use that.

Why would anything download in order to move four notes into a synced notebook? Here is a snippet of text from the log--this note has NOTHING to do with the moved notes, though it may have something to do with a recent search that included terms that could be found within this note. It really needs to stop doing whatever it is doing in the background...

014-01-13 10:38:33 thmb [ENNoteThumbnailManager] DEBUG: Generating thumbnail for note: '111210 ちょうふくじあと【長福寺跡】熊本県:鹿本郡/鹿央町/北谷村 《日本歴史地名大系》 :ジャパンナレッジ' [b274f459-c8d9-4fea-93bb-c7433563f0c4]

[Edit:] It is 10:44 (10 minutes after I tried to move the notes!) and the app is still "downloading," but apparently not syncing, because the notes aren't on the iPad. This is, frankly speaking, unusable in a real-life situation.

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10. Typing lag

- I am typing and nothing is appearing on the screen for several seconds. Today I counted up to ten before I saw the words appear. No processing indicated. No syncing indicated. It is just achingly slow. I am running a brand new Macbook Air, so it isn't the hardware. It appears to be re-indexing (everything!?). Is there any way to accomplish this more efficiently? This is a problem I have had for years (?), and frankly it makes work impossible at times. Here is my log from today when it happened.

2014-01-13 08:19:50 thmb [ENNoteThumbnailManager] DEBUG: Generating thumbnail for note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:51 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:51 thmb [ENNoteThumbnailManager] DEBUG: Generating thumbnail for note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:52 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:52 thmb [ENNoteThumbnailManager] DEBUG: Generating thumbnail for note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:53 thmb [ENNoteThumbnailManager] DEBUG: Generating thumbnail for note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:53 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:54 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:55 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:56 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

2014-01-13 08:19:58 [ENNoteReIndexOperation] INFO: Reindexing note: '140113 diary weekly review' [(null)]

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2) Resizing images. I'd really like to be able to grab a corner handle on an image and shrink it. Maybe this belongs in Skitch?


I discovered that resizing is available in Skitch (though it's not obvious how to do it). It would still save a lot of effort if it could be done inline like you can do in just about any word processor.

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1) I'd love to be able to save a search result set as a new notebook.

What I do there is:

1. Create a new notebook for sharing

2. Use search to filter down to the desired selection.

3. Select all (from the menus), or Command A on a Mac, control A on windows

4.under the note menu choose "copy to notebook" and select the new empty notebook

5. Share the notebook

I thought there was a copy to notebook option in the menu that pops up when you select multiple notes. On my mac where I am now you can only "move" them.

That's another way to go if you don't want temporary duplication. Move them until your sister has copied them, then move them back with the rest of the recipes.

If you are on a mac you might also want to also make a table of contents note for those recipes.

I can't recall how recently it made its appearance but at least in 5.5 beta 2 you can select all the recipes and in the multi-select window, choose "create table of contents note".



Thanks for the tips!


I'm on the Mac and the table of contents feature isn't in the release version (though Brett Kelly offers a trick in his book: Select all the notes in a notebook and then choose Copy Links and paste that into a new note). Regardless, there is indeed a Copy to Notebook option so I can copy all the notes to a new notebook and share it as you suggested.


That doesn't really meet my need, though, so it looks like I'll just share the entire notebook so we can collaborate without having to deal with duplicate notes.

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  • Level 5*

6. Processing

This morning at 8:34 I changed the names of two tags that affected 10,988 notes. It is 10:00 now and the "Processing" bar has barely advanced

That's with the account with lots of offline notes?

I think we chatted before that I see only 5-10 minutes with about half that many notes, but virtually no offline notes. I'd go into withdrawal shakes without connectivity, and the key value proposition of Evernote to me is sync. Write once, read everywhere.

So just now I created a new notebook and put 3000 new notes in there of Lorem Ipsum for a test, taking my note total up to about 8200.

created 3000 new notes. Each were:

5.5KB, 705 words, 4400 characters

It took about 20 minutes to sync them up to Evernote.

About 2 minutes of “processing”

Adding a tag to all 3000 took 5 minutes of "processing"

To double check I added a second tag and it was another 4 minutes.

It's too bad there's no select all (only multi select) in the web view of Evernote.

I'd be curious about doing the tagging on the Evernote side and syncing the change back to the desktop.

(Context: we're both on the same shard, and your mac is newer and faster than mine)

Thanks for testing. Perhaps it is just me, then.

Today I have:

- 3 notebooks: "mobile," "local," and "synced." The "mobile" one is for offline notes on iOS, because I can't get my entire "synced" one to download offline.

- 11,000 notes: 105 in mobile, 7926 in local (a local notebook), and 2969 in synced.

- My notes range in size from 14.2 MB to 145 bytes. There is a lot of text (textified PDFs).

- I have 6 tags.

I don't know why processing is so slow. It was slow when I had nearly everything synced. It is slow now that I have most of it in a local notebook. I have many tens of thousands more notes, but these I don't put into Evernote, because I don't think the database can handle them. It is already to slow (in nearly every respect) right now. My new philosophy with Evernote (still working on this) is to keep "notable" stuff in the account. I used to try to keep everything, but I don't think that is currently feasible (at least, for my stuff). I am excited to know that Evernote is working towards this goal! However, we are not there yet.

Being able to do batch operations on the Web (using Evernote's servers instead of my laptop) would be fantastic.

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  • Level 5

Tables: Insert / Delete Table Row keys. Probably columns as well, though it's rarer I need to do that.


keys?  As in keyboard shortcuts?

  1. Just checking first, but I assume we're on the same page that those commands are there by right clicking on on a table, or using the Table options in the Format menu?


  2. That (since this is the Mac forum) you can add your own keyboard shortcuts to any menu item in any application?

    for example I just added Add row below, to Evernote with Command Shift R

    1. Goto System Preferences: Keyboard: Shortcuts
    2. Click App Shortcuts on the left
    3. Click the + button and select Evernote as an Application
    4. Type the name of the Menu Command from Evernote
    5. Give it your choice of keyboard shortcut



Looks like this:






Now if we go back to Evernote we see our new keyboard shortcut in the menu:



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6. Processing

This morning at 8:34 I changed the names of two tags that affected 10,988 notes. It is 10:00 now and the "Processing" bar has barely advanced

That's with the account with lots of offline notes?

I think we chatted before that I see only 5-10 minutes with about half that many notes, but virtually no offline notes. I'd go into withdrawal shakes without connectivity, and the key value proposition of Evernote to me is sync. Write once, read everywhere.

So just now I created a new notebook and put 3000 new notes in there of Lorem Ipsum for a test, taking my note total up to about 8200.

created 3000 new notes. Each were:

5.5KB, 705 words, 4400 characters

It took about 20 minutes to sync them up to Evernote.

About 2 minutes of “processing”

Adding a tag to all 3000 took 5 minutes of "processing"

To double check I added a second tag and it was another 4 minutes.

It's too bad there's no select all (only multi select) in the web view of Evernote.

I'd be curious about doing the tagging on the Evernote side and syncing the change back to the desktop.

(Context: we're both on the same shard, and your mac is newer and faster than mine)

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  • Level 5

1) I'd love to be able to save a search result set as a new notebook.

What I do there is:

1. Create a new notebook for sharing

2. Use search to filter down to the desired selection.

3. Select all (from the menus), or Command A on a Mac, control A on windows

4.under the note menu choose "copy to notebook" and select the new empty notebook

5. Share the notebook

I thought there was a copy to notebook option in the menu that pops up when you select multiple notes. On my mac where I am now you can only "move" them.

That's another way to go if you don't want temporary duplication. Move them until your sister has copied them, then move them back with the rest of the recipes.

If you are on a mac you might also want to also make a table of contents note for those recipes.

I can't recall how recently it made its appearance but at least in 5.5 beta 2 you can select all the recipes and in the multi-select window, choose "create table of contents note".

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1) I'd love to be able to save a search result set as a new notebook. For example, I have tons of Gluten-free recipes in my Recipes folder. I'd like to share just those with my sister. They're all tagged GF, so I can find them all in a search. But I can't share that search result set. It would be great to be able to create a new notebook based on that search so I could share it.


2) Resizing images. I'd really like to be able to grab a corner handle on an image and shrink it. Maybe this belongs in Skitch?


3) Fix the web clipper for Safari. Sometimes it appears, sometimes it doesn't. I keep switching to Chrome since that version works more reliably.


4) Printing. The note title doesn't appear at the top of a note when you print it :/  I found the "Print Headers" checkbox hidden away in the Print dialog box, but that provides more information that I want when I'm just printing a note for someone. (I'm usually printing to a PDF.)


That's my list for now :)

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Tags  The current Tag View page is gray font on a gray background.  This is not easy to read, particularly when compared to the Notebook View page which is a clearly legible black letters on a white background.

Zoom.  On my MB Air there is no way to zoom into a note.  On my iPad I can do this, thus making the iPad far more useful for some of my notes than the Air. Switching back and forth between those two machines is annoying and ineffcient.
Slow down your launch process.  I was an early adopter of EN versions, but no longer.  Based on reading this Forum, particularly regarding the current ENs for the current iOS and OS, I do not upgrade until the Forums tend to give a "mostly ok now" signal.  The current process of developing, testing and implementing EN has produced highly functional and intuitive (well at least generally intuitive) products for which I am thankful.  But that process has, it seems, rushed products to market without having taken steps to become reasonably certain that they will perform as intended.  The Forum postings are testimony supporting that view.  My suggestion is to slow things down. I am happy to wait a little longer for a product that genuinely is ready for prime time.
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7. Tag control

 - indicator next to the tag, a la Windows, with the number of notes tagged with that tag

 -ability to nest tags 

 -ability to edit tags with Command+click / control+click

Hi. Good ideas. Could you clarify, though? If you go to View -> Sidebar Options -> Show Tag List, then you will see an indicator next to the tag (in your sidebar) telling you how many notes have the tag. Doesn't the functionality you seek already exist? I would say they shouldn't hide it so well, but I am not complaining, because at least it is there.

Also, we can nest tags (parent and child). If you are looking for more than that (a tag tree of sorts), that would be a new feature request. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but in this thread I'm looking for improvements to existing functionality, and I don't want Evernote to spend time on a "new" feature that would have to be implemented across every platform. I just want to see existing stuff work well.

I'm unclear about what you mean by editing tags with a command+click. I can edit tags by tapping on them. Isn't that enough? Or, is there a particular place or way that you are looking to have tags edited? I don't use tags much, so I might be missing something.


1. Thanks for the heads up on the tag count. For me, it was under View->Sidebar Options-> Show Note Counts. Duly changed!


2. Could you offer some insight on nesting tags? For me, in the Mac version, if I click and drag a tag, the only place I can take it is to the Shortcuts section. I cannot place it hierarchically under another tag. For example, I partially utilize the GTD method, and have tags such as "1-Now," "2-Next" nesting under ".When," so I can click on ".When" and it will expand to let me view those numbered tags. I can drag and nest tags in the Windows version, but my Mac version (5.4.4) will not let me do so.


3. The only option I have for clicking and editing tags in Mac is to delete the tag - it's the only option on the menu that pops up when I control+click a tag on the sidebar.



1. Glad I could help.


2. Click on the Tabs icon in the sidebar (the one with the "T"), choose a tag, drag it into another one. 


3. Click on the Tabs icon, use option + click to change the name.


I think all three of these are unfortunate results of design decisions that I don't like. In particular, the odd way that the sidebar works is confusing. I have many more brilliant ideas for changes to the app, but at this point, working with what we have, I'd at least like to see the Sidebar become fully functional. 


Excellent! Thank you! 


Perhaps, then, my final comment would be that this could be more easily implemented than having to access the Tag organization menu - in other words, to let us drag tags around and edit them within the sidebar itself. I'm glad to know it can be done, period, though!



I agree. The Sidebar would be a lot better if it were truly functional. Personally, I usually just keep it closed.






8. Sync Failure?
I've been getting sync failures for a couple days now, and it seems that it somehow locks things up so that nothing is working (see the screenshot in the shared note). I had to quit the app and restart. Could it be the processing that is to blame (3.5 hours and counting)? I'm not trying to share, but for some reason it got stuck there (maybe the sync failure notification in the background is overriding it).
It isn't uncommon for this to happen, I am afraid, though it has been worse today than usual.
9. Tags


I don't use them much, but as you can see by the screenshot, the current display of tags is really quite useless. All you can see are the first two characters of the first tag. Surely, there is a better way to display them. There seems to be a lot of wasted space on that toolbar. 
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7. Tag control

 - indicator next to the tag, a la Windows, with the number of notes tagged with that tag

 -ability to nest tags 

 -ability to edit tags with Command+click / control+click

Hi. Good ideas. Could you clarify, though? If you go to View -> Sidebar Options -> Show Tag List, then you will see an indicator next to the tag (in your sidebar) telling you how many notes have the tag. Doesn't the functionality you seek already exist? I would say they shouldn't hide it so well, but I am not complaining, because at least it is there.

Also, we can nest tags (parent and child). If you are looking for more than that (a tag tree of sorts), that would be a new feature request. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but in this thread I'm looking for improvements to existing functionality, and I don't want Evernote to spend time on a "new" feature that would have to be implemented across every platform. I just want to see existing stuff work well.

I'm unclear about what you mean by editing tags with a command+click. I can edit tags by tapping on them. Isn't that enough? Or, is there a particular place or way that you are looking to have tags edited? I don't use tags much, so I might be missing something.


1. Thanks for the heads up on the tag count. For me, it was under View->Sidebar Options-> Show Note Counts. Duly changed!


2. Could you offer some insight on nesting tags? For me, in the Mac version, if I click and drag a tag, the only place I can take it is to the Shortcuts section. I cannot place it hierarchically under another tag. For example, I partially utilize the GTD method, and have tags such as "1-Now," "2-Next" nesting under ".When," so I can click on ".When" and it will expand to let me view those numbered tags. I can drag and nest tags in the Windows version, but my Mac version (5.4.4) will not let me do so.


3. The only option I have for clicking and editing tags in Mac is to delete the tag - it's the only option on the menu that pops up when I control+click a tag on the sidebar.



1. Glad I could help.


2. Click on the Tabs icon in the sidebar (the one with the "T"), choose a tag, drag it into another one. 


3. Click on the Tabs icon, use option + click to change the name.


I think all three of these are unfortunate results of design decisions that I don't like. In particular, the odd way that the sidebar works is confusing. I have many more brilliant ideas for changes to the app, but at this point, working with what we have, I'd at least like to see the Sidebar become fully functional. 


Excellent! Thank you! 


Perhaps, then, my final comment would be that this could be more easily implemented than having to access the Tag organization menu - in other words, to let us drag tags around and edit them within the sidebar itself. I'm glad to know it can be done, period, though!

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7. Tag control

 - indicator next to the tag, a la Windows, with the number of notes tagged with that tag

 -ability to nest tags 

 -ability to edit tags with Command+click / control+click

Hi. Good ideas. Could you clarify, though? If you go to View -> Sidebar Options -> Show Tag List, then you will see an indicator next to the tag (in your sidebar) telling you how many notes have the tag. Doesn't the functionality you seek already exist? I would say they shouldn't hide it so well, but I am not complaining, because at least it is there.

Also, we can nest tags (parent and child). If you are looking for more than that (a tag tree of sorts), that would be a new feature request. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but in this thread I'm looking for improvements to existing functionality, and I don't want Evernote to spend time on a "new" feature that would have to be implemented across every platform. I just want to see existing stuff work well.

I'm unclear about what you mean by editing tags with a command+click. I can edit tags by tapping on them. Isn't that enough? Or, is there a particular place or way that you are looking to have tags edited? I don't use tags much, so I might be missing something.


1. Thanks for the heads up on the tag count. For me, it was under View->Sidebar Options-> Show Note Counts. Duly changed!


2. Could you offer some insight on nesting tags? For me, in the Mac version, if I click and drag a tag, the only place I can take it is to the Shortcuts section. I cannot place it hierarchically under another tag. For example, I partially utilize the GTD method, and have tags such as "1-Now," "2-Next" nesting under ".When," so I can click on ".When" and it will expand to let me view those numbered tags. I can drag and nest tags in the Windows version, but my Mac version (5.4.4) will not let me do so.


3. The only option I have for clicking and editing tags in Mac is to delete the tag - it's the only option on the menu that pops up when I control+click a tag on the sidebar.



1. Glad I could help.


2. Click on the Tabs icon in the sidebar (the one with the "T"), choose a tag, drag it into another one. 


3. Click on the Tabs icon, use option + click to change the name.


I think all three of these are unfortunate results of design decisions that I don't like. In particular, the odd way that the sidebar works is confusing. I have many more brilliant ideas for changes to the app, but at this point, working with what we have, I'd at least like to see the Sidebar become fully functional. 

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7. Tag control

 - indicator next to the tag, a la Windows, with the number of notes tagged with that tag

 -ability to nest tags 

 -ability to edit tags with Command+click / control+click

Hi. Good ideas. Could you clarify, though? If you go to View -> Sidebar Options -> Show Tag List, then you will see an indicator next to the tag (in your sidebar) telling you how many notes have the tag. Doesn't the functionality you seek already exist? I would say they shouldn't hide it so well, but I am not complaining, because at least it is there.

Also, we can nest tags (parent and child). If you are looking for more than that (a tag tree of sorts), that would be a new feature request. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but in this thread I'm looking for improvements to existing functionality, and I don't want Evernote to spend time on a "new" feature that would have to be implemented across every platform. I just want to see existing stuff work well.

I'm unclear about what you mean by editing tags with a command+click. I can edit tags by tapping on them. Isn't that enough? Or, is there a particular place or way that you are looking to have tags edited? I don't use tags much, so I might be missing something.


1. Thanks for the heads up on the tag count. For me, it was under View->Sidebar Options-> Show Note Counts. Duly changed!


2. Could you offer some insight on nesting tags? For me, in the Mac version, if I click and drag a tag, the only place I can take it is to the Shortcuts section. I cannot place it hierarchically under another tag. For example, I partially utilize the GTD method, and have tags such as "1-Now," "2-Next" nesting under ".When," so I can click on ".When" and it will expand to let me view those numbered tags. I can drag and nest tags in the Windows version, but my Mac version (5.4.4) will not let me do so.


3. The only option I have for clicking and editing tags in Mac is to delete the tag - it's the only option on the menu that pops up when I control+click a tag on the sidebar.

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  • Level 5*

7. Tag control

 - indicator next to the tag, a la Windows, with the number of notes tagged with that tag

 -ability to nest tags 

 -ability to edit tags with Command+click / control+click

Hi. Good ideas. Could you clarify, though? If you go to View -> Sidebar Options -> Show Tag List, then you will see an indicator next to the tag (in your sidebar) telling you how many notes have the tag. Doesn't the functionality you seek already exist? I would say they shouldn't hide it so well, but I am not complaining, because at least it is there.

Also, we can nest tags (parent and child). If you are looking for more than that (a tag tree of sorts), that would be a new feature request. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but in this thread I'm looking for improvements to existing functionality, and I don't want Evernote to spend time on a "new" feature that would have to be implemented across every platform. I just want to see existing stuff work well.

I'm unclear about what you mean by editing tags with a command+click. I can edit tags by tapping on them. Isn't that enough? Or, is there a particular place or way that you are looking to have tags edited? I don't use tags much, so I might be missing something.

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6. Processing

This morning at 8:34 I changed the names of two tags that affected 10,988 notes. It is 10:00 now and the "Processing" bar has barely advanced. At this rate, I don't expect it will finish until tonight. These are only a fraction of my notes--I try to only do a few changes like this at a time.

This is a longstanding problem for users with large databases. Any activity to manage your account has to be carefully calculated, and usually has to wait for the weekend or night time. If you do it before you go out of the house, you'll KO your laptop battery assuming you open Evernote at all, which is not advisable, because you can't use it (lots of note conflicts, notes disappearing from view, etc.).This processing is one reason why I mirror my notes in another app (nvALT on the Mac). Otherwise, a careless change to a tag, note name, or some other kind of batch process will end my work for the day. What is "processing" and why does it take so long?

[PS: For those of you wondering why I am using tags at all, I usually don't, but I am experimenting with a new workflow, and this will help me get everything set up.]

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