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(Archived) just ordered a wipebook to use with my evernote acct

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I kept thinking i should buy the dedicated evernote moleskine, even though i photograph or scan just about everything into evernote with my iphone.

i don't necessarily NEED a special moleskine for the job.


I had my eye on a Wipebook 1.0 even before they started their kickstarted for the wipebook 2.0  (http://www.wipebook.com/)

It looks like the wipebook is a spiral bound with a dozen leaves of wipeboard 'pages'.  (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1470156778/wipebook)

In the kickstarted they introduced a  grid page instead of a lined page

so that's the one i jumped at.


i can't wait to start using it to take notes, then scan them with my iphone and send them to evernote.


if anyone has already been using it, please let me know how it has worked out.

i'm only afraid of pages smudging while they still have data on them.

hence i will probably photograph each page as i fill it up.


Alas this is not a paid advertisement, because i would have loved them to send me one to play with.

I am just very excited because i think this works better for a PAPERLESS note handling system

then for me to buy a dedicated notebook.




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I recently came across wipebook and was fascinated.  It seems however I am too late for ordering a sample that will be shipped in late Jan 2014.   (unless I am not reading their website correctly?)   For those of us that still use dry erase and small white boards to compile our thoughts and research, (including diagrams) "I am a lacrosse coach"  this (to me) seems like a great solution...   I am following this topic


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