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(Archived) Error java.lang.nullpointerexception "file == null"


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Hello all...

I am getting the follow message error when I try do create or edit a note in my android version:


java.lang.nullPointerException file == null


I already clered cache, uninstalled, intelled again, and nothing... same erro every time I create or edit a note. The error ocurrs when the note is going to be save.


In Evernote for PC, its working perfectly. The problem is only the android version.


Anybody has some idea?



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The problem is that I can not do anything in my android.

Even I create a very simple note, It can't save... If I try to edit a very simple note, just changing a letter, it can't save...

I am not sure if it is because my ROM version.. I am using CM11 in a GS3.

It's frusting... it's the only app that does not work...

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