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(Archived) Please add Search to the home screen in iOS 7 version


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Evernote for iOS 7 is gorgeous but could you put a search option back on the front screen, please?


I appreciate that the screen is packed but, personally, I'd dump the buttons for creating a tick list or a bullet-point one: I'd be surprised if many people would choose those first. I suspect it's rare that a note is entirely a bullet- or tick- one so if I'm right, most people hit "Type a quick note" and think about bullets and ticks later.


One can obviously debate whether there is room, but you know there's a need. Currently I have to go into a note, any note, then tap the magnifying glass at the top, then type. I keep going into Notebooks instead and having to back out, then go into a note and it's just a bit tedious.







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I can't agree more. Because of the excellent search functionality, we use search all the time to locate notes. But since upgrading to the latest version, we're not able to conduct a search from the home screen -- which seems so crazy because if there is any place for a global level feature I would think it would be on the home page.

Thank you for the fantastic service - we love using it in many aspects of our business every day!

- Kurt

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