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(Archived) Faster way to give feedback?


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Is there a faster way to submit EN Windows feedback??


I checked Help in the Win application and the only that fit the bill was Customer Support.


So I clicked that which took me to an EN Support landing page.


Figuring I'll need to login, I clicked on Log-in on the Support page but that logged me in and put me in my EN web app.


So then I have to Nav my way here (by going to Help in the EN web app).


It doesn't seem like EN to make it so hard to give feedback so I thought I'd squawk about it a little.


Ideally you'd have a Give Feedback link in the app which would just give some simple UI for giving feedback for that app.


That way the user has to do the minimum clicking to help taxonomizing the feedback (which app ver., which OS, etc.)


Well, now that I've gotten that off my chest I can go find somewhere to post my real app feedback.  ;)

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