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(Archived) Shared notebook tags - Invitees unable to add them

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I had gone and nicely setup a shared notebook where users who I don't want direct write access to the business notebooks can add notes. Each note is tagged with either !Review or !WIP (Work in progress). Any tagged with !Review are checked and then moved to the business notebook for the company to see.


However, the users i've added can see the tags !Review and !WIP as options to add to the note. When they select one, it just disappears straight away.


They are on version 5.0.2 and running the windows desktop version. This does however work on the web version.


Is there any way I can get updates on bug progress or to see if it's been raised in the first place as this is a fairly important problem for us. If anyone has another alternative solution, it'd be greatly appreciated (multiple notebooks for Review and WIP instead of tags?).



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