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(Archived) Feature Requests

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Evernote Team,

Great product! Wanted to pass along a few ideas for you to consider in future releases:

1. All Notebooks keyboard shortcut - it would be great to have a keyboard shortcut to bring the focus "All Notebooks", since 95% of the time I want to search through everything rather than a specific notebook.

2. More robust advanced search - make advanced searching more accessible. Today I can search for text, keywords, author, creation/modification date, but I can't easily connect and/or conditions to multiple statements in a query. For ex: show me all notes created in January tagged "president" where author is "Barack Obama"...

3. Be able to email directly to more than one folder - I would like to enter GTD to-dos into the "Inbox" notebook, while emailing a favorite restaurant into the "Restaurants" notebook, for example.

4. Delicious sync - this would be killer if Evernote automatically added new Delicious bookmarks.


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1 more that I had forgotten. This is most important for me.

5. The ability to place notebooks into folders. I have to resort to tricky naming conventions to keep like notebooks next to each other, and I'm also getting to the point where I can't see all my notebooks without scrolling.

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1. All Notebooks keyboard shortcut - it would be great to have a keyboard shortcut to bring the focus "All Notebooks", since 95% of the time I want to search through everything rather than a specific notebook.

I agree with this.

2. More robust advanced search - make advanced searching more accessible. Today I can search for text, keywords, author, creation/modification date, but I can't easily connect and/or conditions to multiple statements in a query. For ex: show me all notes created in January tagged "president" where author is "Barack Obama"...

Your example is already possible. Check out the Evernote search grammar. Your example would look like:

created:20090101 -created:20090201 tag:president author:"Barack Obama"

You could even modify (and then save) that search to find notes created in the last 30 days, starting from whenever the search is performed.

created:day-30 tag:president author:"Barack Obama"

What I would like to be able to is search for all the notes under a parent tag, which could be solved by having notes "inherit" all of their parent tags. But I like being currently able to search for notes that only have the parent tag, without having to specifically exclude all of the child tags. So if tag "inheritance" gets implemented, perhaps it could be accompanied by a modified search syntax: [tag] for notes tagged with [parent] or any of its child tags, and [tag] for notes tagged only with [parent].

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Thanks for the info, dhawkins1234. I'll be sure to check it out.

Re: my earlier post about emailing to multiple notebooks, perhaps a better implementation would be to enable the notebook to evaluate the subject text to determine whether the contents of the email should belong in that notebook.

For example, I could set a rule on my "To Do List" notebook that states Email Subject contains the exact phrase "ToDo:", and set another rule on my "Home Projects" notebook that states Email Subject contains the exact phrase "HomeProject:".

Then, when I email Evernote, I can write in the Subject: "ToDo: get bread and milk at the store" to email the note into my "To Do List" notebook, and in a separate email, I can write "HomeProject: pick out paint colors" to email a note into the "Home Projects" notebook.

All emails that do not evaluate against a rule would be placed in the default notebook.

Make sense?

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