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(Archived) Set up keyboard hotkeys to auto tag


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I wanted a faster way to tag, so wrote the following script. It allows quick tagging of notes using control and the number keys. For example pressing control and 1 will tag a note with 1.Now


2. Create a new script in Autokey
3. Copy the following text in the script and save the autokey file:
GroupAdd, EN_Windows, ahk_class ENMainFrame
GroupAdd, EN_Windows, ahk_class ENSingleNoteView
#IfWinActive, ahk_group EN_Windows
Send {F3}
Send 1.Now
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send 2.Next
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send 3. Someday
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send 4. Waiting
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send @computer
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send @computer
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send 1.Now
Send {return}
Send {F3}
Send 0.Rock
Send {return}
4. Double click on the autokey file (if it is running correctly it will appear as an icon in the task bar – if not it will tell you what line the error is on)
5. Test the script – open Evernote and start a new note then press control 1 and the tag 1.Now will appear
6. Click on start/all program and right click on Startup and select open
7. Copy the script to the folder
8. You can then edit the script and change my tags to your need (e.g. replace 1.Now or add a shortcut for control 7)
  • You can configure other hot keys in the script control is ^ Alt is ! and shift is +. (e.g you could configure a tag if you press control alt and 2 = ^!2)
  • :: tells the script to assign your command to this key
  • Control 6 assigns 2 tags
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