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(Archived) Editing exported OneNote notes

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I am a teacher and recently exported all my class notes from OneNote to Evernote. However, when I tried to edit the notes today, I could not do so. There is a long flashing line down the left side of the screen, and if I try to copy and paste, it looks a lot like a pdf file. I am very new to Evernote and would welcome suggestions as to what i need to do to edit these notes.

Thank you,


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It seems to be that whenever you have a OneNote note where there's a mix of image and text on the same line, Evernote imports the whole lot as an image and it can't be edited.  At least, I haven't found a way.  OneNote has that free-form formatting whereby you can dump a text box or an image frame anywhere on the page, in Evernote everything is done in terms of line breaks.
OneNote notes that don't have these containers can be edited normally.  So if the text was placed on a fresh line in OneNote, Evernote imports it as editable text.


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Thank you both for your input. I did have "images" included because I used OneNote on a tablet and wrote on the notes. I also have gone back to the PC to cut and paste the notes into a word document ... then transferred them to a jump drive and back to the Mac. I am disappointed it will take me so long to do this. Lesson learned. I think I will go back to the PC in class for the time being and cut and paste (and transfer) one day at a time. Thank you again.


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