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(Archived) A "Remove Formatting" problem about line breaks

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Hi, the "Remove Formatting" function couldn't remove line breaks in some of my notes on Evernote. For example, in the note(see the note for details),line breaks between Line 4 and Line 6 cannot be removed by clicking the "Remove Formatting" button on the formatting tool bar of the note. The "Remove Formatting" button can remove other format such as color. So I think the probability of a network problem is not very big. Any suggestions or ideas? Thank you.
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
The html source related to Line 1 to Line 6
<div><br clear="none"></div>
<div>Line 1</div>
<div>Line 2</div>
<div>Line 3</div>
<p>Line 4</p>
<p>Line 5</p>
<p>Line 6</p>
<p> </p>
My browser: Chrome 28.0.1500.72 m
My Evernote Client: Web
My OS: Windows XP SP2 VOL CN
My Screen: 14'' broad screen LCD
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  • 2 months later...

I have had this same issue!! It is driving me INSANE. I can not figure out how to get any uniformity! GAH Someone please help before I quit it altogether. 


For instance I have a note that I use with quite frequency that is just a list for keeping track of which email address and user name I use for different online accounts. I want it formatted like this:


Email Accounts:

School Gmail



Personal Gmail



Yahoo Account



Social Media:


User Name: @example

Email: example@gmail.com



Email: example@yahoo.com


Store Accounts:


User Name: ExampleName

Email Address: example@yahoo.com



Email: example@yahoo.com



Really that should not be hard at all. But it is a nightmare. Sometimes I can get a list to look like that on the web, but then when I look at it on my phone it looks like:

Email Accounts:

School Gmail


Personal Gmail



Yahoo Account


Social Media:


User Name: @example

Email: example@gmail.com



Email: example@yahoo.com


Store Accounts:


User Name: ExampleName


Email Address: example@yahoo.com


Email: example@yahoo.com


And if I input any information into the note from my phone, every line will have 3 or more blank lines between each line on the web version!!

sometimes I can't even get it to work right when starting it initially on the web version!I have tried everything. I have tried the Clear Formatting button and like the original poster I will have random spaces throughout the note. there seems to be no rhyme or reason behind these spacings. SO FRUSTRATED


Also is there a button or somewhere on the iphone app that lets me manually sync it? There used to be but I just now updated it and I can't seem to find one anymore. 

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