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Feature Request - "Open in New Window" for Notebooks

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I am constantly in one Notebook looking at a note/s, while wanting to open another Notebook without losing the focus of where I am.  I'd really like to see an "open in new window" command when I right click on a notebook.  Thank You

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I rue the lack of this ability on a daily basis. I spend a lot of time curating my notes, and it is a real drag trying to build the contents of a notebook when I can't see them just because I happen to need to look someplace else in EN at the moment.

For example, in my law practice, I build timelines of the facts in a case by reviewing discovery responses, pleadings, and documents produced in the case. I put my timeline in a separate "Facts" notebook while I review the other materials in my "Case File" notebook. I include links to the notes in my Facts notebook so I know where the fact is supported when the time comes. Works great... except I can't actually SEE the Facts if I'm doing anything else in EN, like looking for new ones.

Is this really really hard that I should stop hoping this will happen?

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