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Enhancement request to sort by Tags



The PC version allows to sort by tag.  This is very helpful if using the GTD (Get Things Done / thesecretweapon.org) to prioritize tasks.


The Android client has View Options of Sort by create date, update date, title, city, county and notebook.  My request is to add Tag.


I am keying an identical request for the web/Chrome client.


Thank you,


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13 replies to this idea

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Has anyone from Evernote got any thoughts on this?


It's a bit of a show-stopper for me for using Evernote on Android for GTD / The Secret Weapon.


It would be great to know if there are plans to implement it at some point.





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Thanks jefito for your reply.


It's great that the messages get read.


It would great too to have some indication as to whether feature requests are encouraged / appreciated from the user community and some mechanism for discussing particular requested features.


I'm fairly new to Evernote, but already thinking it's a great product!





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  • Level 5*

Feature requests are indeed appreciated and encouraged by the Evernote staff and the community in general. The Evernote folks say so every now and then, but as I say, they don't comment anywhere near as much as the forum users do. As this is intended to be a user forum, that's as it should be, I think.

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I would like this feature too.  In the Windows application, I can rely on constructing tag names in a way that lets me have a useful order, and it works great.  (e.g. _due20131105, _due20131107, _due20131202 etc.)  I really would like to have the same functionality on all the platforms I use - Windows, iOS, Android, and Web.

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