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(Archived) Same Image Note Synchs Multiple Times - Uses 1GB+

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I'm using the Moleskine notebook and capturing images of the notes for uploading into
Evernote. However, Evernote keeps uploading the same images multiple times, and
I reach my monthly limit very quickly. I am a business premium member, so I
have a large upload allowance, but it just keeps uploading the same images, and
I am helpless to stop it without killing the Evernote app. Any ideas appreciated.

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Hi and Welcome to the forum Gene,


If you get to the 2GB business limit then that is a problem. I don't use Moleskin so cannot comment.


When you say you kill the Evernote app, that won't stop it uploading to the web. At least I don't think so as I am not sure how Moleskin Notebook works.


I think this really does need to be dealt with as soon as possible so I am turning into a ticket for you.


Best regards



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