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(Archived) GIANT Evernote Business Webinar Recap - 4/19/13

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We would like to thank everyone for joining us on the webinar on April 19th. Below are the questions that were asked throughout the webinar for everyone to review.  If you would like to find out about future webinars, please go to the following link.

Question: Our company is not allowed to keep data in the cloud. Can Evernote Business keep and sync shared notebooks on a local server?

Answer: No, the beauty of Evernote hosting your data on our
servers is that we ensure your data's availability, security, and
syncing across all platforms on your behalf.


Question: What is the purpose of having multiple administrators?

Answer: You can create as many administrators as you would
like on your account. Additional administrators are a good idea to have
incase someone is out of the office or is unavailable.  


Question: I have created personal notebooks that have information I need to put into the business account. How would I accomplish this?

Answer: You can move notes from personal notebooks to business

notebooks on the desktop clients by selecting the notes, right clicking
the notes and selecting the Move to Notebook option.  Select the
business notebook to move the notes into, and you are done.

Question : How do I know which notebook I am looking at?

Answer: When you are looking at a note, the top left of the

note on Mac and the top right of the note on Windows will show you which
notebook the note is a part of.


Question: Is the "related results" feature available for Evernote Premium customers?

Answer: Yes. You can read more about related results on our blog at the following link.


Question: I just signed up for Evernote Business and have

several thousand notes with scanned documents. How do I move these notes
into Evernote Business with the folder structure intact?

Answer: If you are wanting to create the same file structure,
you would want to create business notebooks with the same structure that
you had before. Then, just select the notes from each notebook and move
them to the corresponding new business notebook. One thing to remember
is that notebook stacking is only a personal view and would not apply to
someone else's view of the notebooks.


Question: What is the current limit on notebooks?

Answer: You can have 250 personal notebooks and 250 joined/linked notebooks.  


Question: What tools are available to help convince my co-workers who currently do not use Evernote to use ?

Answer: I would recommend looking at the various videos and

resources that we have on the Evernote Business site.  Please see the
link below.



Question: Is there a record of notes emailed from a business notebook?

Answer: No, there is not a record of notes emailed from a business notebook.


Question: Are there any discounts for non-profits?

Answer: We do not offer discounts for non-profits for Evernote
Business.  We are always evaluating our product offerings to determine
how to best meet the needs of our user community.  


Question: When searching for documents, does it include your business notebooks?

Answer: Yes! When you search, it will search through the business notebooks that you have joined to your Evernote account. 


Question: What happens to an employee's personal notebooks if they leave the company?

Answer: Personal notebooks remain with the user. Any personal
notebooks that a user has, will stay with that user, while all the
business notebooks will be removed from their account.


Question: Does Evernote Business support offline access?

Answer: Yes! You can select business notebooks to support offline access.


Question: How protected is the data that we put into notebooks?

Answer: You can find some great articles about Evernote data and security at the following blog post. http://blog.evernote.com/blog/2011/03/24/evernotes-three-laws-of-data-protection/


Question: When a person joins Evernote Business, what happens to shared personal notebooks?

Answer: Shared personal notebooks are not affected when a user joins Evernote Business.  


Question: Are there any additional security features in Evernote Business?

Answer: Evernote Business allows for business information to
remain in the business. This means if you have user who leaves the
account, you can remove the business notebooks from their Evernote
account and then retain the business notebooks to share to other users
within your organization. Also, Evernote Business does not allow for a
user to empty the trash, but it allows for an administrator time to
review the notes in the trashcan to see if they should be deleted.


Question: Does Evernote Business handle simultaneous editing of the same note?

Answer: No. The best way to think about Evernote Business is
that you are collaborating with your team on a notebook level. Each
member of your team can add their notes to a particular notebook and
then you can have someone curate the notebook to merge notes together.
 Anyone with modify permissions will be able to edit the same note, but
if multiple people edit the same note at the same time, you could
encounter sync errors.  


Question: How do I migrate a single Evernote Premium account to Evernote Business?

Answer: You can signup for Evernote Business by going to www.evernote.com/business and clicking the "Get Started" area.  


Question: Is it possible to have a discussion thread inside a single note?

Answer: Yes. Internally, we have used notes to collect
feedback for new product features and then our product managers will
review the suggestions and write back with comments about suggestions
right into the note.  The product managers will post their name next to
the comment to make it easier to see who is asking or commenting on the


Question: If we create a public link for clients to review a note, can we have our branding/logo on it?

Answer: No. There is not a way to change the branding at the
top of a public link. I will pass this along to our internal teams as a
feature request for consideration.


Question: Can Evernote replace a CRM system?

Answer: We have seen several clients that have used Evernote
Business as a way to track client information for sales and marketing.
It does take some planning to figure out the best way you want to
organize the information and make sure your members are tagging and
filing information in a similar method.  


Question: Can you password protect notebooks?

Answer: No, you cannot password protect a notebook. You can password protect data within a note.


Question: Can you prevent a user from copying data from a business notebook to their personal notebook?
Answer: No, there's no way to block that, much like there's no
way to prevent someone from forwarding an email outside of the company,
or taking a picutre of their computer screen.


Question: How will you notify Tim that he needs to do a task?

Answer: One way you could notify Tim is to tag a now with a
specific tag that Tim is reviewing.  It will not notify him of the
update, but if he has a saved search on his system with this tag, he
could periodically search his account for notes with this tag.  I have
also seen people use a specific notebook to organize tasks for a
specific group. Once the task is completed, they move this task to
another notebook for the next group to review.


Question: Can a note exist in both a personal notebook and a business notebook?

Answer: Yes. You could copy a note from a personal notebook to
a business notebook and in doing so create an identical note in both
the personal and business notebooks.


Question: When a user leaves an organization, are the business notebooks removed from the users account?

Answer: Yes. When an administrator removes access to an
individual, the business notebooks will be removed from their Evernote
account on their account when they sync the next time.  Their personal
notebooks will always remain with the user.  


Question: If someone is removed from the business account, can administrators see what notebooks the user was a part of?

Answer: No, there is not a way to see which notebooks the user
was joined.  Administrators can see the notebooks the person was the
creator of in the Manage Notebook area of the Admin Console and change
those notebooks to the new employee's account.  


Question: Are read only business notebooks protected so no one is able to export the notebook?

Answer: Any shared Notebook, regardless the permissions
granted, e.g., "view only", "modify & share", can be exported by the
person the Notebook is shared with.


Question: What features does Evernote Business include?

Answer: Evernote Business includes many great features, such
as Business-wide Notebook sharing, smart data ownership, and simple user
and data management capabilities. For a complete list of features,
visit http://evernote.com/business/features/.


Question: Is there a plan to support user groups?

Answer: Evernote Business can be tailored for use with any
size Business or user group. At this time, there is no plan to support
user groups outside of further developing the Evernote Business product.


Question: Can stacks be created in the Business Library?

Answer: At this time, Business Notebooks cannot be "stacked"
in the Business Library. They can, however, only be recommended in the
Business Library via the Admin Console.


Question: I just signed up for Evernote Premium, if I join Evernote Business, what happens to my Premium subscription?

Answer: Upon joining an Evernote Business account, Evernote
Premium users will receive a redemption code for the amount of time
remaining on the Premium account that they may use to re-upgrade to
Premium should they ever leave the Business, or to give to a friend or
family member.


Question: Are the shortcuts on Evernote customizable per user?

Answer: Yes, via the preference pane for the desktop version of Evernote, a user may customize the default shortcuts.


Question: What is the size limit for a note?

Answer: 100MB


Question: If someone moves notes into a Business Notebook, can that user remove the information from that Business Notebook?

Answer: Only a Business Admin can permanently remove
information from the Business account. A user may move information from a
Business Notebook to the trash, but will not be able to delete it.


Question: How can you limit duplicate content in an account?

Answer: The best way to limit duplicate content in an account
is to make you actively sync your Evernote before and after updating
your Notes – particularly if you are utilizing multiple devices. This
will ensure you are always working on the latest version of your Note,
and thus not accidentally duplicating information.


Question: If a user leaves the Business, does their account go back to a Personal account?

Answer: When a user leaves the Business account, their account
is downgraded to the free version of Evernote. If they were a Premium
user prior to joining the Business, they can use the code we emailed at
the time of the Business upgrade to return their account to Premium
status. Otherwise, a user can upgrade their account to Premium by
visiting www.evernote.com/premium.


Question: When will Evernote support offline access on ChromeBook?

Answer: By design Chrome OS / Chromebooks are only able to run
web apps. Therefore, Chromebook users are limited to accessing Evernote
via the regular web view.


Question: Can a business designate more than one Admin?

Answer: Yes! Via the "Manage Users" tab in the Admin Console, Businesses can designate any user on the account as an Admin.


Question: Does Evernote collaborate on Google Docs vs share a note for collaboration?

Answer: While there is not a direct way to collaborate on
Google Docs through Evernote, you can share the Google Doc link through a
shared Note – allowing an additional, searchable space for notes and


Question: If I share a note, there are options for the person to share via Twitter or Facebook.  Can I turn that feature off?

Answer: Yes, you can "turn off" the ability for a user to share your
shared Note via Twitter or Facebook by modifying the Share Settings of
the Notebook. Make sure the person you are sharing the Notebook with is
only able to View Notes, View Notes and Activity, or Modify Notes, and
NOT Modify and Share Others.

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