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Evernote Photo's size question

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I have been doing a "One-A-Day" photo notebook of my daughter and used different methods to get the photo's into the notebook. Each note is a different day and contains one or, usually, more photo's of my daughter. I try to capture them with the photo note option on evernote for android, but sometimes share them from android, email them or drag and drop from windows.


I've noticed that some of the photo's are a smaller thumb-nail type which displays well on the note preview, but most of them are a gigantic photo that covers the width of the screen causing me to scroll to see the picture. I guess that I cannot figure out the proper method for getting that smaller thumbnail-esque view. Can anyone shed some light?



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  • 1 year later...
  • Level 5

Are you using different cameras or different settings for these photos?


First, I would compare the size of the images using a photo editor - are they all exactly the same size?


Evernote has some complicated rules when it comes to photos.Not just specific dimensions, but height to length ratios and other types of dimension comparisons. Evernote is not very powerful when it comes to photos. Plus there is the Evernote monthly upload cap.


I prefer to share my photos with other people by putting them into Flickr.  Last year, Flickr added one terabyte of free storage for each user. That is a huge amount of space.

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