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(Archived) Last Sync Failed


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Hi, Am new to Evernote.

I installed it onto my KFHD via 1 mobile or Good E reader

The first few notes I made were automatically synced and appeared on my online account.

Now I keep getting an error message in bottom left had corner that simply says " Last Sync Failed at date/time" 

I emptied trash on my computers account, restarted KFHD, am connected to the internet but still no luck

Any clues?


Many thanks!

Have attached the logs report

This is basic info from the log:


IsTablet: true
Locale: en_GB
Service: https://www.evernote.com
Package: com.evernote
Brand: Amazon
Model: KFTT
Network operator:  /
Android version: 4.0.3
Evernote version: 4.5.1
Evernote revision: AndroidMarket_450_205
Evernote type: public
Internal storage: 8 GB / 12 GB
External storage: 8 GB / 12 GB


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