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Egretlist or Task List Integration

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I know that Evernote doesn't want to become a task list but it would be nice if it offered better integration with RTM or Getting It Done or ... ANYTHING that is cross-platform. Egretlist is does exactly what I need it to do but only works on iOS (no Android or browser extensions). I'd hate to switch to another note taking app (Springpad or Catch come to mind). However it is really annoying that no one at Evernote seems to be listening to a request that has been made over and over again by its users.

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However it is really annoying that no one at Evernote seems to be listening to a request that has been made over and over again by its users.

Of course they listen. However, listening doesn't mean they will give it a high priority or even put it on their to do list.

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Considering how many posts I find on this topic with no result... Plus there is this article (http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-12-08/tech/30491806_1_new-apps-phil-libin-lists) which seemed to indicate that To Do lists were coming soon. Plus there was the acquisition of Egretlist... Maybe I should have qualified and said they weren't being "good listeners"? ;)

My hope was that Egretlist would build out a little more but sadly no. I did just read this: http://everdo.it/site/ ... It isn't cross-platform yet but they are planning on it.

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Considering how many posts I find on this topic with no result... Plus there is this article (http://articles.busi...hil-libin-lists) which seemed to indicate that To Do lists were coming soon. Plus there was the acquisition of Egretlist... Maybe I should have qualified and said they weren't being "good listeners"? ;)

My hope was that Egretlist would build out a little more but sadly no. I did just read this: http://everdo.it/site/ ... It isn't cross-platform yet but they are planning on it.

FYI, the infamous "due date" has been coming "soon" for a few years now. IMO, they are very good listeners. Just because they don't implement something I want when I want (if ever), doesn't make them not good listeners. We (the users) have no idea what things are affecting their priority list & it's really easy to say "people have been requesting this for two years now & they haven't done anything about it so that means they are bad devs & ignoring their customers." In the mean time, they've implemented some very good things including larger upload limits, larger note size, PIN codes on mobile devices, note links (desktop apps), copy notes (desktop apps), etc.

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I don't recall typing the words "bad devs." And I do understand how software development works, I work directly with developers in my day to day. So... When lots of people request something, and it is said over and over again that it is coming... It would seem reasonable to be on the lookout for it.

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I don't recall typing the words "bad devs." And I do understand how software development works, I work directly with developers in my day to day. So... When lots of people request something, and it is said over and over again that it is coming... It would seem reasonable to be on the lookout for it.

Ok "bad devs" --> aren't "good listeners".

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  • Level 5*
I find it hard to put any distance between the two, myself. Kinda like the t-shirt: I heard you - I just don't care what you think.

It's very different. Try "I hear you and understand what you want, but I have other things to do at this time."

Please try to understand: they cannot fulfill every user's requests. It is not possible; there are too many requests, and too few Evernote developers. They have to prioritize. All companies do this; Evernote is no different.

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I get that they can't give everyone everything they ask for. That's completely reasonable. I also get that there are a lot of posts in the Evernote forums, on tech sites, etc asking... Begging for this. There have been all sorts of vague "soon, very soon" statements made for the last few years... Key word here: years. Several releases there. At this point it isn't a case of low priority. Feels like it is not on the radar at all. If you aren't going to do it simply say so. My guess us that this is more than just a select handful of users who have been asking and "soon" is a way to assuage that.

This is not a slam on the developers. Honestly, those aren't typically the people making the priorities anyway. In fact it isn't a slam at all. I was stating a frustration with the lack of task management and the lack of a good cross platform 3rd party tool. I love Egretslist but I have an Android phone so that doesn't work too well for me.

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I've been involved in software development since you could only input them via punched cards. (It wasn't all that long ago, really...) In those 35 years, I've been involved in every piece of it, from coding in more languages than I can remember anymore, to excursions into marketing, sales, to the present day, where I'm now mostly just "a suit" for a software development company that creates products for tracking and transport of freight. I understand customer feedback. I like it, even. Sometimes (ok, well, more often that that), it makes our stuff better.

Call me curmudgeonly, but what I have a knee-jerk reaction to is the current trend to take a good product (or an idea for one), get it halfway to where it needs to be, then involve 50 social media butterflies, marketers, hypesters and "suits" (only they don't wear them anymore, so I guess they don't call them that, either) for every person who actually works on the product. You can always tell these companies by the "noise" about them that seems to be everywhere combined with software development cycles that just don't cut it in some way: they actually go backwards in functionality, the updates are primarily self-serving (Now we connect to MyFaceSquare, so you can advertise our product there, too!!!), they almost always just fail to manage to get the really important features in (hold on - I know what you're going to say, if you disagree with me, and I'm getting to that), and they make sure you can't prove they're not listening by not providing any means of measurable feedback (like a user voting system for features). Oh, and one other thing: They tell you they're listening to you all the time. Everywhere. They almost never open their mouths (figuratively speaking, of course, in the case of blogs, etc.) without saying it again. And more of us than they realize know why they keep saying it: It's because the complete lack of substantive evidence of it necessitates that it be a marketing plank. I have to admit that it sounds good. When it's true, it's really good.

I'm not accusing Evernote of any of the above. I just think that it's such a great idea, and has such promise, that it would be a real shame if it turns out that way (and personally, I spent the time on the above diatribe because it sure looks that way to me). I really, really hope it doesn't happen to Evernote. But it will if they don't start listening. Yeah, sorry, I used the "start" word, despite all the assertions that it's been standard operating procedure all along. If anybody at Evernote really believes that, in my opinion, they've confused listening with hearing. Anybody who's ever been a parent knows better than that.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I'm totally fine with Evernote not integrating a to do app - I just wish someone else would create something that pulled potential tasks FROM Evernote. It seems like "evernote integration" with other apps usually means the other app can send stuff to Evernote. But my workflow is: collect, plan, do, archive. I want Evernote for the first and last step - it's the middle two steps that I'm really struggling to find an app to handle. I just end up re-entering data in another app instead of having it flow from Evernote into the next app for that stage of the workflow.

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