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(Archived) Request - "Add Tag" Button/Icon

Clayton Daley

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I have more tags than the interface can show so I get the down arrows to expand and see additional tags. It appers I also must expand this area to add a tag. Since I'm adding lots of tags, these extra clicks are extremely cumbersome (I'm going to try and get used to the keyboard shortcut). Can you add a "+" icon to the left of the current tags (right of the tag icon itself) to expedite adding tags when the list is too long to display?

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Hi Clayton,

You mention a shortcut but not which one. Are you aware that there are two options?

First, adding tags: F3

This will focus the tag section and if you have added more than can be shown, a window will appear allowing you to enter more tags.

Second, managing tags in a note (and also adding them): Ctrl + Alt + T

This is a more useful tool, which will allow you to see the tags assigned to a note (if you use the Hide Unassigned Tags option) and if you want to add tags you can as well.


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Thanks for the clarification. I didn't see the F3 shortcut anywhere in the inteface and that's what I really needed. Perhaps you could add an item to the Note menu (the natural place to look) that shows the shortcut. I'd call it "Add Tag" while the existing Ctrl-Alt-T is really more of a "Manage Tags" option. I find the Ctrl-Alt-T option, while visitble in the Note menu, far less useful since I have tons of tags and it doesn't autocomplete.

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  • Level 5

Thanks for the clarification. I didn't see the F3 shortcut anywhere in the inteface and that's what I really needed. Perhaps you could add an item to the Note menu (the natural place to look) that shows the shortcut. I'd call it "Add Tag" while the existing Ctrl-Alt-T is really more of a "Manage Tags" option. I find the Ctrl-Alt-T option, while visitble in the Note menu, far less useful since I have tons of tags and it doesn't autocomplete.

I've got 1,000+ tags. Yes, F3 is super.

But try to give the Ctrl-Alt-T a bit more time. It will auto-complete. Type a couple letters and it jumps to box for the tag. Wait a couple seconds and you can try another combination. It can be quite powerful, especially when you want to add multiple tags to a note..

For the majority of my Evernote time, I hide the Left Panel (F10) in order to maximize my viewable area. Once or twice a week, I'll open the Left Panel and do some housecleaning of my tags.

Most of my tag management is done with BitQwik.com - there is a section called Tag Hunter that lets me see the big picture of my tags.

Here is a list of Windows shortcuts that might be helpful.

https://support.ever...8 5&docID=24005

Unfortunately, in my opinion, the descriptions are a bit cryptic.

F3 = "Set focus to the tag field of the active note".

I like your shorter, more descriptive version - "Add Tag"
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I agree that typing in the Ctrl-Alt-T window jumps you down the page... but not if you have something past a space bar. For example, I have several philosophy keywords:

  • Sensation
  • Sensation - Data Type
  • Sensation - Innateness
  • Sensation - Objectiveness

If you type s-e-n-s-a-t-i-o-n-<space> ... the space toggles the check box rather than letting you dig further down the list. While I could tag these items as both Sensation and Innateness/Objectiveness, I think it will create more rather than less headache later. I want to nest objectiveness under both sensation and other topics in the tag hierarchy. I can't do this if I use the same "objectiveness" tag for different topics. As I have them, however, the Tag searcher will let me find all of the tags that include "objectiveness" if I ever wanted/needed to.

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  • Level 5*
If you type s-e-n-s-a-t-i-o-n-<space> ... the space toggles the check box rather than letting you dig further down the list.

Interesting, I believe that typing a space is a Windows shortcut for checkbox controls that causes the checkbox to be toggled (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449). Not sure why the space is being passed to the checkbox rather than being caught by the list; that may be a bug (I can see where it's convenient to your case). Not sure, but it might be a good idea to remove spaces from your tags; otherwise it just forces you to explicitly quote the tag name in certain situations (e.g. typing a tag:<tag name> search term).

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Try typing the tag into the "Add a new tag" field, below the list. This will show the autocomplete stuff and allow you to use spaces.

When typing into the tag list, you are just moving to that letter, and they are focus, so space will check/uncheck them.

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  • Level 5*
When typing into the tag list, you are just moving to that letter, and they are focus, so space will check/uncheck them.

Yep, thought about it a bit, and having the space bar toggle the selection does make sense in that circumstance...

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I agree that it makes sense that the space bar toggles the checkbox in the list (as it is typical windows behavior). Of course, that doesn't change the fact that it requires a bunch of extra clicks to highlight/add the items I want in that view (unlike F3).

In addition, I don't get an autocomplete if I type anywhere else in that window... the "add a new tag" in particular. Of course, I don't expect a box that says "add a new tag" to autocomplete because it sounds like it should be literally creating a new tag. Where do people think it *should* happen?

In any case, I for one would have appreciated a menu item that informed me of the F3 shortcut. If I had not posted my suggestion here, I certainly wouldn't have known about its existence.

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