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Email in multiple-word Notebook and Tag names?

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  • Level 5

A two word notebook will not be recognized.

You could rename notebook in Evernote to Student-Resources

I do this for a different reason. I don't like adding the quotation marks for multiple words (notebooks or tags) in my searches. Adding the dash changes the multiple words into a single word and eliminates the need for quotes.

edit: See my comment further down. It looks like a 2 word notebook does work correctly.

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  • Level 5*

2.) email and add a tag after the title.

Email subject @Student Resources #Work

Sorry to crib, but if two-word notebooks aren't recognised, won't that 2nd example just crash and burn? Notebooks referenced in emails must already be set up, and as there's no 'Student' notebook the email will presumably just go to the default notebook.

As you say, the general rule is email to "youraccount@m.evernote.com @notebook #tag" (without the quotes). Notebook names must be single words or_linked_like_this. A bit of experiment will sort out the best option for the OP.

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  • Level 5

Sorry to crib, but if two-word notebooks aren't recognised, won't that 2nd example just crash and burn? Notebooks referenced in emails must already be set up, and as there's no 'Student' notebook the email will presumably just go to the default notebook.

I ran an email test right after creating the post and found the error. I thought it worked a couple days ago but it doesn't so I changed my original posting.

Thanks for the quick response.

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  • Level 5

I am going to retract my original post.

I have run the email test again and the following two emails were deposited into the Student Resources notebook correctly.

Email subjects:

  • Email test @Student Resources
  • Email test @Student Resources #Fam-JLB

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I too swear it didn't use to work that way (even last month!) but maybe I was wrong, because to my amazement, it just did. Woot.

Timing is the issue. If you add new Notebooks and more likely new Tags at the Desktop level and then immediately Forward an e-mail to Evernote there is a high probability that the Evernote server that receives the e-mail has not been updated and the tagging will fail. Thus some people may think it is not working one day and then working the next day.

I can also confirm that Multi-word Notebook names work, while multi-word Tags do not thus Tags used with e-mails must resemble a single word using hyphens, uderscores, etc.

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  • 1 year later...

Perhaps  one of the newer updates broke this.  However, I have confirmed that it is impossible to have an email note directed  to a notebook with a multiword name.  I've tried various combinations of spaces and quotes and with or with out tags and reminders.  Here are the subject lines i've tried (using notebook name Next Steps and a tag name of Personal).  All of these ended up in the default notebook


-  subject of note @next steps #personal

-  subject of note #personal @next steps

-  subject of note @ next steps #personal

-  subject of note #personal @ next steps

-  subject or note @"Next Steps" #personal

-  subject of note #personal @"Next Steps"

-  subject of note @next steps

-  subject of note @"Next Steps"

-  subject of note @ next steps

-  subject of note @ "Next Steps"

-  all above combinations with a reminder as well

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