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(Archived) Cant find option to view note dates in android


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When I make a note in evernote it shows dates next to new entries on both the online and windows platform but on my droid it shows a day. Is there an option to change this to a date? If there is I just cant seem to find it. I included a screenshot. It says "yesterday" "Tuesday" "saturday" but I cant remember todays date so I certainly wont remember saturdays. Can I change that to display a date?


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  • Level 5*

There is no such option, as far as I can tell. You should be able to swipe right on the main screen such that the sync control is exposed; that (at least on the Kindle Fire) gives you an indication of the last time a sync operation was attempted, including the date, which is usually the current date. You'll just need to remember that for the rest of the day.

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