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(Archived) New App: iOS and gmail calendars in one place with Evernote - Meshin Recall

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Finally users can get all their calendars in one place and connect their Evernotes. Meshin Recall was previously in private beta but is now in iTunes store. Works on iPhone and iPad but not yet optimized for iPad.

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See Features here:

Evernote Note integration

* Create, link, share and unlink notes with events

* Rich text Styling and formatting options

* Events with notes only view

* Default notebook option

* Notebook creation

* Tags

* Photos


* iCal, Outlook and other calendar services

* Multiple calendars

* Read only calendars

* Create and edit calendar events

* Recurring events

* 24hr and UTC timezone support

* Invitee meeting indicator

* Calendar color indicator

* Jump to 'Today' via the Meshin icon button


* Share note link to event description

* Share note with attendees

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Thanks for the feedback. I would love to know what you expected and how it failed you. We have 42 positive reviews in iOS and 143 in Google Play. The goal is to give you a smarter meeting experience, or context around your meeting notes, starting with the ability to create or synch notes with you calendars, regardless of how many calendars you have. Please let me know as we love feedback, and I would love to clarify anything at all.

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I didn't exactly say it failed me. I downloaded the app and just hoped that it would have more to offer. From what I can see after only briefly using it is that it looks very similar to iCal in list view. Except that it is possible to link an Evernote to the event.

But, you can't easily attach easily a note because there is no way to search for a specific note other than specifying which notebook it is in.

One cannot also attach a note and then find it unless one has internet connection.

All I was wondering is: what can it do that iCal and Evernote can not?

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