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Table cell- fixed width


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  • Level 5

EN has only rudimentary spreadsheet capabilities (and does not pretend otherwise). As such, it behaves as you describe.

As a workaround you may choose to work with an Excel file, do your calculations and move the file into an EN note.


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Another workaround:

- Insert your table.

- Draw a dashed (or dotted, etc.) line ----- as wide as you want your cells.

- Copy this line into all cells of the first row.

- Done.

This procedure will create cells with fixed, identical width and will prevent them from shrinking.

In addition, if you keep your input a bit shorter of the width of a cell, they will not grow either.

Good luck! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Another workaround:

- Insert your table.

- Draw a dashed (or dotted, etc.) line ----- as wide as you want your cells.

- Copy this line into all cells of the first row.

- Done.

This procedure will create cells with fixed, identical width and will prevent them from shrinking.

In addition, if you keep your input a bit shorter of the width of a cell, they will not grow either.

Good luck! :)

I tried this and it didn't work for me. Entering text into the table and it still made that cell bigger.

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  • 7 months later...

An amended suggestion: From what I can tell, the width of columns depends on the longest paragraph / unbroken line of text contained in a given column...If that is the case, then I think  the recommended dash/dot suggestion can work, as long as you make it longer than all other lines contained in the rest of the table...so you may have to wrap it (not just make it as long as you want the column to be wide).

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  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi All,


I have been trying to find a solution with Evernote and table cells.

The following the solutions I have found.


  • Existing note as a template.
    Copy from an existing note which has already applied the cell width percentages.
    Here is a shared Note Template with even column spacing.
    Just cut and paste the table size you want into your note.
    Saves you messing around with chrome developer tools.
  • Bookmarklet and edit Source
    Use a bookmarklet to edit the source code of the note and apply the percentages yourself.
  • Chrome Extension Alternote
    This lets you edit notes with a tinyMCE wysiwyg editor.
    You are able to customise table properties.
    You can edit the table to be 100% width and then set table cells to be 30% width etc.


I hope this has helped some people with applying custom formatting to their notes.

It would be nice if Evernote released more features in note editing with TinyMCE and their web browser version since they already are using it http://evernote.com/opensource/.

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  • 6 months later...


Hi All,


I have been trying to find a solution with Evernote and table cells.

The following the solutions I have found.


(good stuff)



Whoa!!!   I've been waiting for this for YEARS.


I won't bother saying I'll never pay for Evernote until the development starts working on better table and list implementation since many people have already said it, and the Evernote team doesn't seem to care one way or another.  It's the most useful application I hate to use.


But -- you've just given me something huge -- really, really huge.  It opens up a lot of things I've always wanted to do with Evernote, but either couldn't, or couldn't because it's too difficult / takes up too much time and effort (like creating tables in Excel and pasting them into Evernote).


I would gladly pay *you* a year's Evernote subscription.  I know you didn't write the bookmarklet or Chrome extension, but you deserve a thanks for putting the info out there (this is actually a serious offer!)

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Whoa!!!   I've been waiting for this for YEARS.


I won't bother saying I'll never pay for Evernote until the development starts working on better table and list implementation since many people have already said it, and the Evernote team doesn't seem to care one way or another.  It's the most useful application I hate to use.


But -- you've just given me something huge -- really, really huge.  It opens up a lot of things I've always wanted to do with Evernote, but either couldn't, or couldn't because it's too difficult / takes up too much time and effort (like creating tables in Excel and pasting them into Evernote).


I would gladly pay *you* a year's Evernote subscription.  I know you didn't write the bookmarklet or Chrome extension, but you deserve a thanks for putting the info out there (this is actually a serious offer!)




Thanks for the kind words.


Just to also let you know that Evernote has improved its table editor where you can resize the columns using the mouse but this seems to be only available in version 6 on OSX Mac. I use both windows and OSX and the changes made in OSX are preserved in the windows client.


I am guessing we will see it in Windows OS at some point.


Thanks for the kudos but I really don't deserve anything, as you said I didn't actually create any of these tools.

Best to give your money to someone who really needs it. Like the Doctors without borders https://donate.msf.org.au/donate_appeal.cfm


For any Evernote moderators watching this thread, any idea when the Windows client will get the table cell resizing as seen in the OSX client?

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