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REQUEST: Easier way to add location



Just wondering if there's any easier way to add location to a note than what I'm already doing, which is:

find a restaurant I want to visit

add the website as a note to evernote

find the place on google maps

center the map to retrieve the latitude and longitude

copy latitude and longitude

paste latitude and longitude into the note

I know you can automatically add location on the iPhone, but I'm not always standing in the spot where the restaurant is when I make the note, and often want to do that later on my Mac. but it takes such a long time. looking for an easier way, if there is one.

Also, related, when I am out and about trying to get to that restaurant using the note's info on my iPhone, I know I can see it on Evernote's map, but how can I get to the latitude and longitude to paste that into the Maps app for directions?


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13 replies to this idea

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I looked at Evernote Food, but it's not so much that I want to remember the meal I've had as keep track of places I'd like to go AND where I've been AND places other than restaurants such as shops and whatnot. Also it's essential that I be able to see the notes on a map. Can't see if Food does that or not.

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  • Level 5*

It would be very useful if we could enter an address, or partial address, into Evernote and then it would convert to Long/Lat.

Evernote reports Location as a partial or full address even though it stores the Long/Lat.

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when I am out and about trying to get to that restaurant using the note's info on my iPhone, I know I can see it on Evernote's map, but how can I get to the latitude and longitude to paste that into the Maps app for directions?

with the android version, when a note is displayed, you can use the menu button to display a list of choices, then select "Note's info" (or something similar, the French version is 'Infos sur la note"). If you then click on the line "Localisation", the map app is automatically launched and centered to that location

there should be something similar for the Iphone version, well ... maybe, because everybody knows Android is sooo much better ... >;-> ...

It would be very useful if we could enter an address, or partial address, into Evernote and then it would convert to Long/Lat.

this would be very usefull indeed! feature request ?

in the mean time, I use google map geocoding feature:

type this

http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?q=65+bld+de+La+Villette,+Paris,+France in your browser (you van replace the gren part with any adress, just use + instead of space, you will get a file looking like this


"name": "65 bld de La Villette, Paris, France",

"Status": {

"code": 200,

"request": "geocode"


"Placemark": [ {

"id": "p1",

"address": "65 Boulevard de la Villette, 75010 Paris, France",

"AddressDetails": {

"Accuracy" : 8,

"Country" : {

"AdministrativeArea" : {

"AdministrativeAreaName" : "Île-de-France",

"SubAdministrativeArea" : {

"Locality" : {

"DependentLocality" : {

"DependentLocalityName" : "10e Arrondissement",

"PostalCode" : {

"PostalCodeNumber" : "75010"


"Thoroughfare" : {

"ThoroughfareName" : "Boulevard de la Villette"



"LocalityName" : "Paris"


"SubAdministrativeAreaName" : "Paris"



"CountryName" : "France",

"CountryNameCode" : "FR"



"ExtendedData": {

"LatLonBox": {

"north": 48.8774762,

"south": 48.8747783,

"east": 2.3735811,

"west": 2.3708832



"Point": {

"coordinates": [ 2.3722231, 48.8761227, 0 ]


} ]


longitude and latitude are the figures marqued in red.

Make sure to intervert their order to fill evernote (in this case you would have to type 48.875497,2.342336 in evernote)

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The Evernote 3rd party iOS APP  GoLater should be the current best solution for you.  Just input "g:/address" to note's tag, and it will generate maps by your address input.   You can see notes from maps, or view location from each note.  Besides, for each note, just click "Let's Go!", you can get into navigation mode, and reach the destination by APPLE Map. 

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  • Level 5

It would be very useful if we could enter an address, or partial address, into Evernote and then it would convert to Long/Lat.


Maybe Evernote can use this to provide a user friendly UI to entering location in the EN client apps.


If you’re on Mountain Lion or later, you can just type in an address.

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  • Level 5*


It would be very useful if we could enter an address, or partial address, into Evernote and then it would convert to Long/Lat.


Maybe Evernote can use this to provide a user friendly UI to entering location in the EN client apps.


If you’re on Mountain Lion or later, you can just type in an address.



Thanks Adjusting, that's very helpful.

Is this documented anywhere?

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v2belleville's geo tip doesnt seem to work anymore. Google API updated, I think.


yes, the API has been upgraded to v3


the new syntax is




and you can replace json by xml if you prefer that format


another way to get coordinate with google (they don't pay me I promise! they just happen to make useful app easily available ...)


is to right click on google map and select "more info about this place" in the menu



and it'll give you long and lat of the place


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I'm the co-founder of IdeaPlaces for Evernote, an iOS app that links your note with the places you visit.


In IdeaPlaces you can add a location by simply dropping a pin on the map, from there you can create a new note.

You can also attach to the pin a Foursquare address or if it's not a venue you can change the address.

You can also find places by simply entering the Foursquare name.


IdeaPlaces is packed with features related to your places. 

* It allow you to put location based reminders,

* get Google StreetView for each of your notes,

* moves notes from one places to another

and so on.


You can read about the full features of the app in this Evernote forum post: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/60737-ideaplaces-a-new-way-to-explore-and-use-evernote/

or directly from the AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id835446337?mt=8


Kind regards,

Ciprian Rarau,

Co-founder of IdeaPlaces

Website: http://www.ideaplaces.com

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Hi Ciprian, is there a free versión just to test? I am looking to "fi" all my location notes so I can use EN as a Contact Manager knowing where my contacts are. Thank you in advance.




I'm the co-founder of IdeaPlaces for Evernote, an iOS app that links your note with the places you visit.


In IdeaPlaces you can add a location by simply dropping a pin on the map, from there you can create a new note.

You can also attach to the pin a Foursquare address or if it's not a venue you can change the address.

You can also find places by simply entering the Foursquare name.


IdeaPlaces is packed with features related to your places. 

* It allow you to put location based reminders,

* get Google StreetView for each of your notes,

* moves notes from one places to another

and so on.


You can read about the full features of the app in this Evernote forum post: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/60737-ideaplaces-a-new-way-to-explore-and-use-evernote/

or directly from the AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id835446337?mt=8


Kind regards,

Ciprian Rarau,

Co-founder of IdeaPlaces

Website: http://www.ideaplaces.com


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Sure, sent you a message on private,

King regards,


Founder of IdeaPlaces.


Hi Ciprian, is there a free versión just to test? I am looking to "fi" all my location notes so I can use EN as a Contact Manager knowing where my contacts are. Thank you in advance.




I'm the co-founder of IdeaPlaces for Evernote, an iOS app that links your note with the places you visit.


In IdeaPlaces you can add a location by simply dropping a pin on the map, from there you can create a new note.

You can also attach to the pin a Foursquare address or if it's not a venue you can change the address.

You can also find places by simply entering the Foursquare name.


IdeaPlaces is packed with features related to your places. 

* It allow you to put location based reminders,

* get Google StreetView for each of your notes,

* moves notes from one places to another

and so on.


You can read about the full features of the app in this Evernote forum post: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/60737-ideaplaces-a-new-way-to-explore-and-use-evernote/

or directly from the AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id835446337?mt=8


Kind regards,

Ciprian Rarau,

Co-founder of IdeaPlaces

Website: http://www.ideaplaces.com


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