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How to change language


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It took me almost an hour but I finally managed to do it. If someone else has the same problem, the solution is to go to the 2nd option from the 6th dropdown menu and to choose the last tab.

I hope that someone from the EN team will see this topic and will make it easier to switch back to your language (for example it would be nice if there is an icon next to the options menu so that a person can find it easily).

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It was in Japanese, so it wasn't that easy. Thanks for the reply, anyway.

PS: Now I can understand what caused my confusion - when you are in the options -> language menu all it takes to change a language is to use your mouse scroll.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you Maya_3

Over the last several weeks, I created three support tickets and got no responses from Evernote support over this issue, but with your simple instructions I was able to fix the problem. I never selected the language menu. In my first session as I was exploring the program, the screen suddenly flickered, and suddenly all recognizable text was replaced with Chinese characters. In most languages, I could muddle through and figure out the menus, but in Chinese, nothing in any menus provided clue about the function of any level of menus. I was operating totally blind. I found instructions for editing the registry to fix the problem, but the registry section I was supposed to edit did not exist in my registry.

Finally, I discovered your post with the simple instructions:

Count six menus across

Pick the second item in the drop-down menu

Select the last tab.

Of course everything was still in Chinese, but knowing from your post that I was in the right section, I just picked a selection at random; The selection I picked displayed menu selections in Roman characters, and even though I did not know that language either, I was able to figure out which selection was English. From there, I entered the menu one final time, able to read the menu, and I made English the default language.

I have been struggling with this issue for most of two months. Twice Evernote, without ever responding to my support requests, notified me they had closed the ticket because there had been no correspondence in the last two weeks. Your post was clear, easy to follow, and fixed my problem in a few seconds.

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It seems common-sense to me that only people whose languages do not use Roman characters could ever read menus that use those characters. On the other hand, it also seems common-sense to me that people whose language uses non-Roman characters ARE likely to recognize the name of their language in a menu that uses Roman characters. Therefore, language selection menus should always be provided using Roman characters, even if the default language is set to Chinese, Japanese, Malay, or Arabic. There is no excuse for a commercial program to create this level of aggravation for users, especially since this program apparently chooses the user's language on its own, and sometimes makes mistakes!

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  • 6 months later...

It took me almost an hour but I finally managed to do it...

Thank you maya_3! Your response was clever (a later response that gave the instructions in English was... well... ). The language that Evernote chose for me (I don't know if this is a random thing or what) is probably Finnish (I used to live in Denmark and can recognize most Scandinavian languages, except that Finnish doesn't belong to the Scandinavian family of languages!). I tried experimenting a bit, myself, trying to remember where the options were, then realized that I of course never had occasion to switch language, so I gave up experimenting and went online, figuring that there was no reason to reinvent this wheel, since someone else had probably already been there, done that! maya_3 had/ done it! Thanks again!!! GAS

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Somewhat rare event but probably very irritating.. Kudos to Maya!

Reminding me of the so-called Opening-hours paradox, termed after the infamous lines at the bottom of the ad about the opening hours to the zoo: "....People who cannot read this post please ask the ticket seller".

I recall similar situation reported a couple of years ago, but couldn't find it.

However during the search I did find a post related to the error-proned scrolling procedure that mentioned by the OP, followed by a promising reply from EN staff.

Well, by now it is 2 years old..

Client changed to Russian - Evernote - Evernote User Forum

Posted 29 September 2010 - 11:46 PM

In tools-options-language I added Dutch as a preferred language. Because the application language box is pre-selected I unexpectedly changed my application language to Russian with my scrolling wheel. It took some time to figure out that you first need to click in the list of languages before touching the scroll wheel on the mouse.

hope it helps...




Posted 30 September 2010 - 03:27 AM

The Application Language has focus and responds to mouse wheel events. I guess we can set focus to some other control in order to make inadvertent change of the application language less likely.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much, Maya!

EN suddenly changed languages on me and your note saved me tons of time and frustation.

Of course, it'd be nice if EN would actually fix this and stop trying to be overly clever and automatically changing languages.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks a lot maya_3. I had the same problem as you: Evernote installed in Japanese, but my Japanese is not so good.

I really don't understand why software companies insist on using the default system language instead of asking which language to use during installation.

For those of us who are not fluent in the language of the country where we purchased our computers, this is a constant headache.

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  • 1 year later...

Maya's instructions sounded very good.

Unfortunately I don't have 6 menues accross... So, I still have the issue. With me it is French, not Japanese, and I do speak French, all the same not good enough to want EN support in this language.


Having no 6 menues - and no answer from support for about 2 weeks what shall I do?


Even from my own account site - fully correct in English - when selecting "support" it goes to "https://evernote.com/intl/fr/".

Changing the language in the language tab bottom right does not have any effect.

My computer (MAC) language is English, browser language is English (with second priority German), EN is English anyway, ... -?


Thanks for any help!


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  • Level 5*

Maya's instructions sounded very good.

Unfortunately I don't have 6 menues accross... So, I still have the issue. With me it is French, not Japanese, and I do speak French, all the same not good enough to want EN support in this language.


Having no 6 menues - and no answer from support for about 2 weeks what shall I do?


Even from my own account site - fully correct in English - when selecting "support" it goes to "https://evernote.com/intl/fr/".

Changing the language in the language tab bottom right does not have any effect.

My computer (MAC) language is English, browser language is English (with second priority German), EN is English anyway, ... -?


Thanks for any help!



I'm guessing that you are using a computer while in Europe somewhere. Have you tried logging in with a VPN set to the US or the UK? That might fix the problem. Ideally, of course, the problem wouldn't be happening at all.

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  • Level 5*

ChJu, do you have a menu with F9 as the first option when it drops down (Outils)? The item below that is Options. If you really do have the language set to French, the tab you want on the options dialog is "Langue", then select Anglais as your preference from the upper drop-down list. Click OK, and you should be back in English mode.


Edited: When I changed back from French to English to my default mode, all the "Announcements" are in French! Not sure how to fix this, but because I can read a bit of French and rarely look at the announcements anyway, I am not bothered by it. Maybe it will be fixed by the next new version.

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  • 5 months later...

Another way to download the English language version might be to go to the softronic website and click the 'Evernote' link - that produced a download in English for me, when Evernote was only coming up in Chinese (where I work) using the Evernote.com site directly. I downloaded the English version at this page: http://evernote.en.softonic.com/# 


The 'Evernote' link which produces the download is tucked away on the left hand side of the page under 'Developer'.

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  • 2 months later...
Thank you maya_3 and kudo's to you.

I just opened Evernote and to my horror the application language was, without any reason, Finnish (Suomi).

I was on the point of reinstalling Evernote and my last hope was searching the community with 'how to change language'. 

And with the help of Google Translate, because in my EN-version ( it turned out not to be the last tab, but the fifth (5) tab. 

Nevertheless, thank you again.

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  • 2 months later...


my problem is with the help system. I live in France and have a French keyboard for convenience of accented  characters but I'm English. The  help system refuses to change back to English when I use the language option at the bottom of the page.


Help please Evernote, you're trying to be too clever and in doing so annoying a customer.


Surely the help system should check and reference language option settings in my account?


At the very least it should obey a direct change in help settings?

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