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(Archived) Evernote display on New Samsung 'Note'


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Was very happy to see the tablet form of Evernote on the new Samsung Note device.

Unfortunately in the notes list,each individual note literally takes up half of the screen! There's obviously a ton of unused space in each note.

As much as I really like the tablet form of EN..I'd have to prefer the phone version in this case.

Can either the phoneGalaxy version be installed on the Samsung Note...or there be a reworking of the UI for the Note??



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I'm really happy with the tablet view on the galaxy note. There are some features i would really miss if you decide to bring back the mobile view on the galaxy note. I love the option to search by multiple tags and get real-time results. For me this is the killer feature.

But i also think, that there is room for UI-improvements.

so far, I'm really happy with it.

Thanks B)

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Our tablet UI design was meant for devices with displays that have 7" or greater displays. We feel that the phone UI is better suited for any display that is smaller than that, so that's what our rules our. The Samsung Note will be running the phone version again as of the latest Beta: http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/21736-evernote-for-android-33-beta-3

Sorry for those of you that wish it was a tablet view, but rest assured, we are always working to improve the UI for both phones and tablets.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on Samsung Galaxy Note and i'm HAPPY to have Phone view of Evernote. I tried the Tablet view of latest beta edition and it was terrible. I just couldn't make much use of larger screen. I hope Evernote never releases Tablet view for GAlaxy Note, but if they do, they should allow us to choose which version we would like to run. :)

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