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(Archived) What happens when renaming a tag in a shared notebook?

Guest mrossk

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I want to share a notebook that has some tags. But the same tags I have used in some private notebooks that I don't share.

What happens when the "receiver" of the shared notebook renames this tags? Will the corresponding tags in my private notebooks also renamed?



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  • Level 5*

OK - no specialised knowledge or experience here, but just to point out one thing; you can allow your sharees to view, or to modify your notebook. If they can only view, no changes possible, so no problem. If you allow them to add/ change (and they would have to be premium users to do so) you are giving away the keys to the kingdom. I assume they could change tags, which could cause you problems. This is, I believe, a risk you would have to accept.

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What happens when the "receiver" of the shared notebook renames this tags? Will the corresponding tags in my private notebooks also renamed?

The receiver can't edit your tags. They can only (if you allow em) edit your notes.

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