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(Archived) Feature Request: Simple Lists

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I'd like Evernote to provide better support for lists. I understand the decision not to support task lists, but I think there's room for improvement on the current numbered list formatting in notes.

In addition to number for prioritization, improved list management could offer:

- a check-box to mark the item as complete;

- delete all marked items;

- an easy way to reorder items in the list, especially on mobile devices (e.g. dragging an item to a new position)

- the capability to add tags to list items (not only to the entire list/note).

Compared to task lists, these wouldn't require due dates and reminders. I think of such things as groceries lists, or reading lists. The latter provides a good use case:

- mark a book as read;

- delete all books in the list I've read;

- reorder books I want to read;

- use tags for litteraty genres

In such a use case, due dates and reminder are unnecessary. I'm sure other users can come up with such simple and similar cases.

I hope this suggestion helps!

Mr Gou

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Just because they dont require due dates or reminders, what you're describing is still a task/to do list.

Not quite, really just a list, not task management. Due dates are an integral part of a task list, not of lists in the more general sense.

this list sounds really complicated to me.

I do mean something simple, so if the way I describe it sounds complicated, maybe others can offer different suggestions.

In the end, I'm thinking of a way to improve simple lists such as groceries lists, reading list, wish lists, etc. It's doable as an in-text ordered list (which is what I do now), but I'm just thinking of ways to improve this particular sort of notes. I understand EN's decision not to support todo lists, but I wouldn't throw the entire idea of a list altogether. A sort of outliner is what I have in mind.

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Not quite, really just a list, not task management. Due dates are an integral part of a task list, not of lists in the more general sense.

Sure, task/to do lists may include due dates but it's not a requirement. So call it what you want, it still falls under the category of something that EN has stated they are not planning on doing.

If you want/need something along the lines you described, you should look at a true to do/task list manager such as RTM, Toodledo, etc. There are a lot of them out there.

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it still falls under the category of something that EN has stated they are not planning on doing.

Fair enough. I just wanted to point out that dismissing task management (where handling tracking of due dates and reminders is probably quite a bit of development) shouldn't necessarily mean discarding improvements in the current list capabilities. Don't throw the baby with the bathwater, as they say. With a bit of luck, EN may recognize that it's not exactly the same thing.

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  • Level 5*
it still falls under the category of something that EN has stated they are not planning on doing.

Fair enough. I just wanted to point out that dismissing task management (where handling tracking of due dates and reminders is probably quite a bit of development) shouldn't necessarily mean discarding improvements in the current list capabilities. Don't throw the baby with the bathwater, as they say. With a bit of luck, EN may recognize that it's not exactly the same thing.

in html there are basically two types of lists: ordered (with numbers) and unordered (without numbers). that is a list. evernote has it.

what you are askimg for is interesting and all, but it is more of a dynamic list (changing over time as things get done, for example). i am not saying your idea is wrong, but it is a totally different direction and is actually quite complicated.

personally, i would call this feature bloat. i would like it if evernote could tie into other services like google calendar, to do list services, etc. instead of reinventing the wheel.

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  • Level 5*
it is a totally different direction and is actually quite complicated

I guess we'll have to leave it to EN to decide how different a direction and how complicated it is.

Sure. And, maybe they will implement all of your ideas. But, my point was that your ideas are different than the current system (simple lists you could find in any html file) and they are complicated (dynamic and not, for example, easily exportable to an html file).

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  • Level 5*
I think the opening post was requesting a better way to edit lists, not a new type of list.

That makes sense. But, reordering lists requires a new type of dynamic list. I don't think you can implement this seemingly "simple" functionality without major changes. But, maybe I am just a poor programmer. I'm not criticizing the idea so much as pointing out that it is not as simple as it appears.

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