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(Archived) Web Clipper and Password Vaults (1Password)


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Web Clipper is a great idea and works fine when you are already logged in. But, Web Clipper doesn't work (at least on the Mac) with the password vault program I use which is 1Password. 1Password can not fill in the pop-up Web Clipper fields for username and password so you have to log in first. Not sure if this is an Evernote issue or 1Password issue, but I think if Evernote presented a dialog box or Web popup window that 1Password could recognize, I am sure it could fill in the form. Is there any known solution to this? If you use randomized, impossible to remember, secure passwords, it's not practical to type in the password manually into the Web Clipper pop-up.

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You can view the source of the little login panel (right-click from Firefox), and see that the login form itself is very simple ... fields named "username" and "password", etc.

I assume that this may be a limitation of 1Password, possibly related to the way that this little frame was created, etc. But the page itself is definitely not doing anything clever that would prevent password auto-completion, at least in principle.

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