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confirm email

Guest Patti

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(8-27-2019) Today after opening Evernote on my phone, I got a pop-up "Confirm email". It shows an old email address that I haven't used in over 3 years. The choices are Confirm or Update email. When I click on update, it shows the old email address and asks for the password, then a Verify or Cancel button to click. I don't remember the last password to that old email address and I don't want to verify that it is the correct email address. There is no option to enter the correct/current email address; although when I log in on my computer and check my account, my correct/current email is listed there.  I don't know how to get rid of this pop-up on my phone, it shows up on every page; I click off the pop-up to make it go away, but then it appears on the next screen. Any ideas on why this is showing up and how to get rid of it/make it stop? Thanks!

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Since you visit as „Guest“, your status is not visible.

This forum is user driven - exchange between us, but no EN staff to supervise. For this issue you have to go through support. I think that on account issues there is support as well for the Basic accounts.

EN.com website, help & support, e-mail-button.


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