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Clipper "Open in Evernote" no longer opening Mac desktop

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I noticed a few days ago that when I use the Chrome clipper to Open in Evernote it is using an HTML link and opening the web client.

Previously it would briefly open a web tab then the desktop client would launch.

Anyone know if this is a by design change? It's a really annoying break in my workflow - about 20% of my clips I either want to further annotate or link to them from another note, immediately after clipping.

The preference in Evernote Mac Desktop for Clipper is set to After clipping: Bring the clip to the front.

Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Clipper version Version:

Mac Evernote 7.8 (457453 Direct)

macOS 10.13.6

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