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Updated Text Missing From Note

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I've read a number of 'missing' data posts but none quite fit my problem.

I use the web client almost exclusively. I have a 'diary' type note open in a browser most of the day. Because of memory problems I need to make notes about what I've done during the day. I am religious about doing this. This morning I opened the note for this quarter to find that my notes for the last two days of the week were missing. I have seen issues like a note inexplicably being duplicated but I've not had missing text before.  I could understand if this were a sync problem between a local client and the web, but all of my data is entered directly into the web client. In another application it would be as if I didn't 'hit save' but that can't be the case here. I can find no explanation for this. Has anyone else seen this? I will spend most of my day trying to reconstruct what I might have done on Thursday and Friday.

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