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App trava ou reinicia ao tentar editar nota específica

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Ao pedir para editar uma nota específica, o app trava ou reinicia e eu não consigo mais editar esta nota.
Já desinstalei e reinstalei o app e o problema persiste.
O Android (7.0) avisa que o Evernote não está respondendo e pede para eu escolher
uma das opções:

Fechar o app
Enviar feedback

Já transferi o conteúdo desta nota para uma nova nota e o problema persiste.
Pelo windows, consigo editar esta nota normalmente.
Versão do app Evernote: 7.17.1

Peço ajuda, por favor

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  • Level 5*

When you ask to edit a specific note, the app crashes or restarts, and I can no longer edit this note.
I already uninstalled and reinstalled the app and the problem persists.
Android (7.0) warns that Evernote is not responding and asks me to choose
one of the options:

Close the app
Send feedback

I already downloaded the contents of this note to a new note and the problem persists.
For windows, I can edit this note normally.
Evernote app version: 7.17.1

Hi.  Is this a specially large note,  or does it contain a lot of pictures?  I can't think of a reason for the note to crash only in Android - best suggestion would be to save the content as plain text to see if that makes a difference.

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You can try (on Windows) copy the content of this note and do a 'Paste and Match Style' (Ctrl+Shift+V) to a new note and then try to open this new one on Android. Other options are select all the content of the note and try 'Simplify Formatting' or 'Remove Formatting', depending on the content you have on this specific note and try to open the note on Android.

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  • 1 year later...

Após a atualização de junho de 2019 meu evernote no celular android não edita mais as notas que contenham anexos, só as de texto simples. Isso é um grande contratempo. Uso o Evernote há vários anos e esse bug está me prejudicando. Gostaria de fazer downgrade e voltar para a versão anterior que funcionava perfeitamente.

After the June 2019 update my evernote on the android phone no longer edits notes containing attachments, just the plain text ones. This is a major setback. I've been using Evernote for several years and this bug is hurting me. I would like to downgrade and go back to the previous version that worked perfectly.

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