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Most stable and reliable Windows evernote version?

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Hi all,

I've completely lost faith in evernote's release process. The current version as of this message I can make reliably freeze just by pasting an image and then changing notes.

I've gone back to using 6.9.7 6770 - it seems tolerable, but cutting images just deletes them and doesn't place anything in the clipboard. Yay data loss! Still, notes will still load quickly and it doesn't freeze or crash like later versions.

This (along with the recent Chrome clipper nightmare) means I'm basically over it. I don't care about rewrites, UX "improvements" (which inevitably make things harder to use), or the supposed bug fixes. In your experience what was the last version you could rely on? The one you could use without contacting support, dealing with crashes or weird behaviour, and you had no reason to hang around on evernote forums because it just f**king worked.

I've been using evernote as a paid user for 7-8 years. I have also encouraged friends and family to use it.

Now I use it grudgingly because all my information is in it and I haven't seen anything comparable to switch to, but I'm tired of spending sunny weekends inside dealing with broken software. So much for making my life better and making me more productive...

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  • Level 5
10 minutes ago, ferrouswheel said:

I've completely lost faith in evernote's release process.

I agree. 10 years with Evernote, and nearly 50,000 notes, I'm in the same predicament.

After countless hours of frustration, I finally bit the bullet and dropped down to Version 6.5.4

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Yup. too much rush get new g-whiz features in it and not enough on stability.

My situation right now is our company has standardized on Office 365, so we are a OneNote shop for business. I personally have a TON TON TON of stuff in Evernote though, but I can see in the medium term leaving it all there, as it never goes away, dropping to the free plan, and putting stuff in OneNote personally going forward. I haven't decided.

It isn't what I want to do though. I like the concept of Evernote much better than OneNote, but OneNote is rock solid stable. I can type in there for hours with no pauses, stutters, lockups, and there are no noticeable bugs I am aware of. I am sure there are bugs - there are in every software out there, but Evernote's bug level is that of an alpha product honestly, worse than most beta's I participate in, whereas OneNote's bug level is that of a polished and carefully released product

Oh, and I am actually using OneNote in a "beta" ring with Microsoft, so actually, OneNote's beta is what I consider rock solid stable. I am sure the deferred channel is even better.

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6 minutes ago, jbenson2 said:

I agree. I'm in the same predicament.

After countless hours of frustration, I finally bit the bullet and dropped down to Version 6.5.4

I assume that was an uninstall, wipe the database, and start over with a fresh download? Might consider that.... When was 6.5 released? How far back is that from 6.12 today?

Besides emoji support, what will I lose?

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  • Level 5
9 minutes ago, EdH said:

I assume that was an uninstall, wipe the database, and start over with a fresh download? Might consider that.... When was 6.5 released? How far back is that from 6.12 today?

Besides emoji support, what will I lose?

6.5.4 was released back in March of 2017. Blessed free of emojis.

I can't say what you lose because there have been so many tweaks to the program since then and at least 8 major GA releases. 

I did the uninstall but did not wipe the database. So the new installation seemed to accept my data with no major problems. 

People had trouble with it back when it was released, but not to the magnitude of the current versions.


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Since there's been quite a lot of complaints re: things breaking in recent EN Windows releases and some discussion in a few different threads about rolling back to a prior version, I thought it might be useful to catalog recent releases, which I have done in the linked note. It's got the GA release, the corresponding version #, a link to the release thread (where you can download that version), new features and improvements and fixes. These are mostly copied/pasted from the release threads.

I've also added a "What Broke" column. This is where I could use everyone's help. I populated it with things I noticed breaking for the first time; I focused on what I noticed and bothered me the most. Since we all use EN a bit differently, you all will have noticed other things breaking, so please update the table, and try to make the notation in the version where you first noticed the breakage. 

The horizontal rule (CTRL+SHIFT+-) broke at some point in the last few months (the break might be limited to those who scale text up in size in Windows, e.g., 125% scaling), but I can't remember which version. If anyone knows, please update the table.

I'm not too familiar with how note sharing works, but if you can edit the note, please go ahead and do so as described above. If you cannot, is there a setting I can change to enable others to edit the note?


If you view the note in EN, the table should render better than if viewed in a web browser window. If you wish to view in a browser window, it will render better if you switch to presentation mode.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you guys for this post. The newest ( is quite not stable. I encountered sync issues and crashes when I use those recent versions. Cos I am also a Linux user, after I created a new note in Nixnote2, Nixnote2 synced it to the cloud and the Windows client (6.13) downloaded the note without a problem, but since I edited the note within Windows client (6.13 etc.), the note cannot be uploaded from the Windows clients to the cloud anymore. At the beginning I believed it was caused by Nixnote2 (anyway it's a third-part software), after 2 days wasted on tweaking Nixnote2, re-downloading the whole database for both Windows client and Nixnote2, no result...... I lost my precious time for work. How can I get efficiency with Evernote -- the productive software?  Finally I downgraded the Windows client to 6.5.4, now it works. 

I had been 1 year premium user and have been 1 year plus user. I want to make a good use of Evernote, but 2 things are always bothering me that I should continue with Evernote or not. There are no Linux native applications and the instability.

Evernote really should focus on improving the robustness of the service and offer a good native client for Linux users, but not just think of how to make marketing advertisements and garish useless functions!

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  • 3 years later...
  • Level 5

Else there may be a broken database leading to some problems, especially a longer waiting time when starting the client up, and "hour glassing" or "beach balling" on harmless operations like leaving a note after editing.

To replace the database against a fresh copy from the server, this is the procedure for a PC (Mac is slightly different):

  1. Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar.
  2. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Sign back in to Evernote
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