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GTD: Context and Project, and how I implement them.


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I am not quite new to evernote as well as GTD. However, due to my specific requirement and thinking, I tweak the standard GTD method to match my style (which I am not sure if I can still call it is a GTD system).


Broadly speaking, here is how it works:

  1. I still have a notebook can inbox for capture thing and I try to empty it twice a day.
  2. I use standard tagging system (e.g. what, when, who, etc) to tag my note.
  3. I use no context (@home, @office, etc.), so where is my next action list?
  4. I create one note for each project with a tag "#project". It is my project control sheet. In it are:
    1. the output/outcome of the project (e.g. delivery a project to customer and get payment before specific date)
    2. the action need to get the outcome. Note that, this is not the complete list, I may just add a single next action or a few next action as I seem fit.
    3. the link to reference material (if need). For example, for a web site building project, I may have one reference note about "Design", one for "Database design", etc.
  5. Daily, I create a note with the date as title (2017-05-22). In it are:
    1. action I want to do on that date
      1. I check my calendar and put anything that relate to this day here.
      2. I then think about where I will be (Office, home, etc.) and think about what project I can do there. I then add a link to that project as well as state broadly what I would like to accomplish on that day (this is not the next action, the next action will be in the project control note). For example, for a website building project, it may be something like "aloha.com website  - finalize the first draft design" (the underline is a link to project). The detail action for making the finalize 1st draft will be in the project control sheet.
    2. diary
  6. I do have a note book call checklist and it has one special note called "@out" which I keep all my next action that I do outside my house or office group by a little more specific place: e.g. Super Market, Book Shop, etc.

Here is why I do it this way

  1. I need to reference back to all the thing that I have done in each project.
  2. I want to know roughly what I will have to do to call it a day. (I don't like looking at the endless list of next action)
  3. It allow me to plan just enough set of actions, not just a next action as well as not just the whole next actions. It also preserve the order in which the action is done.


Looking forward to get your opinion, suggestion and question since it will help me improve my system (hopefully make it simpler).

: )

P.S. Since English is not my native tongue, please apologize for my language.

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  • Level 5*
22 minutes ago, Wvit said:

where is my next action list?

I'm not too concerned about having a next action list
I see it more as, when you complete a project task
-> what is the next action for that project?
-> when is it due?

>>I create one note for each project with a tag "#project". It is my project control sheet.

I also have a project master note
My tasks are separate; a note for each task
They are linked by a project tag

>>I use standard tagging system (e.g. what, when, who, etc) to tag my note.

How do you do "when"?
My system is to use reminder date and a saved search to identify my current task list
                           reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:*

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I am not quite sure if I understand the "when" correctly, so please have a look at my tag. I mostly use when (year and month) for specific the time related to that note. For example, I have visit China on Dec, 2016 but I may write my travel summary on Jan 2017, so when I create a note, I tag it with @2016 and @December.


The only when tag that relate to GTD (at least my version) is @today. which will be tag on the current dairy note (2017-05-22). I also use to tag the project that I want to focus on today but since that is already in the today diary note, I no longer tag the project. As you can see, I rely heavily on the current date diary note, I create a short cut to @today tag. When click, it will show the current date note and I work my way from there.


Now, if you ask about the way I manage date specific item, I use google calendar. For example, for website building project, I may have the outcome be "Soft launch abc website on June 10, 2017", "Official launch abc website on June 30, 2017" and "Collect the fee by July 15, 2017". All think that have date goto google calendar as an event. Since I check the calendar everyday, I will see which project is due and need focus.

Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 11.59.13 PM.png

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  • Level 5*
42 minutes ago, Wvit said:

Now, if you ask about the way I manage date specific item, I use google calendar.

Yes, that's what I was interested in; the way you manage date specific tasks

You mentioned a standard "when" tag, so I was curious

As I said, I use Reminder Date; however I also have that sync'd to the calendar so the task shows up there too

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Thank you. You said that you sync the notification with calendar, how do you do that? Is it require additional software?


By the way, the reason I don't use notification is I don't like how it look in Evernote. This may seem stupid, but I find it distract me a lot.

Screen Shot 2017-05-22 at 10.39.46 AM.jpg

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  • Level 5*
23 minutes ago, Wvit said:

You said that you sync the notification with calendar, how do you do that? Is it require additional software?

 I use scripting on my Mac (Applescript) to set reminder dates.  At the same time, it creates a calendar entry

There are syncing services, for example https://evernote.cronofy.com/

>>By the way, the reason I don't use notification is I don't like how it look in Evernote

I don't use the Reminder Section either.  I use saved search shortcuts to list ongoing and upcoming entries

I do appreciate getting the email notification.

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