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(Archived) More suggestions for updates

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I like the ads in Evernote and I am a premium user, it keeps me aware of new things available, but there is one problem. If I am typing in a note and the ad changes, it takes my cursor away from the present spot, I have to grab mouse and click on the place I was last typing in the note.

Can you fix this. This is in the windows desktop program.

Please add dictionary functionality that allows you to right click and have the option to add word to dictionary. I am aware of the workaround. I want the new function.

I love that you can start typing in the search bar of android client and it searches text in notes, tags and saved searches. Now please add this function to the windows desktop program. And please do not suggest to use saved searches instead.

Are you aware that after Evernote automatically syncs, it will reset any current search I am working in?

all of the above is related to working in the windows desktop program or client I think you call it.

Please add an option to choose to sync Evernote on exit. Sometimes I will add a note and then need to run so I shut down Evernote quickly without thinking to sync before exiting and then the note I just added is not synced and I might need it later on another device.

I was experimenting printing from Evernote to PDF. I have a journal in Evernote and would like to print the journal with options

Option to group entries by date created and to print that date created and time at the top of the grouping

Option to include each note title in printout

Note, these are suggestions that I collect in Evernote over a period of time and tag Evernote Suggestions, and then copy and paste them here.

Thanks Evernote Team. Keep up the good work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to confirm that I am having the same issue with the focus of the cursor being lost when I am typing in a note and the ad changes. This does not happen if I undock the note and take it off into its own seperate window. I am running Windows version (85292).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, too, am seeing the issue with focus shifting when the ad changes. Running the Windows client (version on Windows 7. When I open a note in a new window but have the main window still open in the background (non-minimized), the focus will jump from the open note window to the main window, which will come to the foreground.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I love your product; besides the previous suggestions I would like to be able to select text to [flash=]Highlight with different colors, a nice feature that netsnippet had. I know you can change font colors, but I want to be able to highlight the background.

THX Randy

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