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Ben Kovitz

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Posts posted by Ben Kovitz

  1. I'm now on version 10.57.6-mac-ddl-public (4112) of Evernote. I've noticed in the past few updates that there have been serious bugs: text gets deleted shortly after I enter it, and entire tasks get deleted shortly after I enter them. These appear to result from a bug in the syncing code: the version on the server from several minutes ago overwrites the updates that I made a minute or two ago. There are numerous small bugs, too, like the Save button being nonresponsive when I edit a task.

    These bugs mean that I cannot manage my work and tasks on Evernote. As much as I would like to continue using Evernote, these bugs ruin the application for me. Is there any info about Evernote being aware of them and fixing them with the highest priority? Or could I switch to a previous version, before these bugs were added?

    Is there a recommended place to report these bugs?

    • Sad 1
  2. Just moments ago, I downloaded the new version of Evernote on my Mac and found the option to disable strikethrough on completed items. THANK YOU! This may seem small, but it really makes a difference.

    Uh oh, I just looked a little more and found that completed tasks still get the strikethrough. I hope you can remove that in the next update.

    • Thanks 1
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