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About Nomis44

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  1. Hi, Is there any progress up to now? For me this is not about very long texts in a single note. But a checklist can easily spread over 2 or 3 Pages, because each item just has 1 line in the note. I have a master-checklist for travelling wich I do not want to split up, since I need to be able to check all items under temporal pressure. As a reminder of the notes structure (for example sections like "things to pack" and "things to prepare"...), and as a navigation-help, I would also appreciate converting the headings into a small TOC. Best, Nomis
  2. Hi, Are there any news to this? To me it looks like EN tasks still are independet of the Google Calender sync? Neither a real tasks sync between the two, nor a dedicated Google Calender sync for EN tasks is available, right?
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