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Posts posted by John22

  1. 59 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    Is this a paid account of Free. If Free, it is possible that Evernote believes that you have more than two devices connected in which case the spinning hour glass can be an indication of this issue.

    It could also be that your local data has become corrupted. I would try File | Sign Out | Remove data from the device then log back in and see if that fixes things. It might be wise that your colleague Quits Evernote while you rebuild your data.

    Thanks for the suggestions agsteele! It is the free version and I have nothing else to go on so I'll try it. I'll let you know the outcome.

  2. 12 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    And you use ... ?

    • The web client. The installed client, desktop, on a PC/Mac. The mobile client on iOS/Andfroid, on a phone, on tablet ...
    • The version number xx.xx.
    • You updated the OS / The client / didn't touch anything ...

    You want answers, or playing Q&A games ?

    Desktop version, win 10

    Version 10.32.4

    Win10 and Evernote are up-to-date. 

    Was working last Friday, came in Monday to this issue. I didn't change anything on my PC or program

  3. Hello,

    I've been able to open files in a shared Evernote until today. It was working Friday. I'm using the desktop version and can see all the files/documents on the left hand side, but when I try to open them an hour glass icon appears for about two seconds, disappears and nothing happens. I can right click on any document, export it and all the data is intact, but why do I have to do this? What happened? I already closed the program and reopened it and rebooted my PC. The other person I share the Evernote with has ZERO issues. They have access to everything

    Any help you be appreciated! 

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