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Posts posted by zwang

  1. I have the same issue and can't find the correct solution from any of the reply. I connect my Evernote with an email address abc@gmail.com but this email address is going to be deactivated by the school, so I have to change the Evernote associated email to 123@gmail.com, it doesn't allow me to do so. It shows that 123@gmail.com is being used. So I try to deactivate 123@gmai.com to make it an address not associated with any evernote account, but it pops-up "service error".

    I don't want to swap the email addresses between two separate Evernote accounts. But just want to change one email address to another.

    The solutions provided above takes me to an endless loop.

    I pay for Evernote plus, but still not able to get any support when I have issues. This bad experience made me to think about quitting Evernote forever. 

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