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  1. btw it seems to me that it is an error in the display of information in Polish
  2. You are right But where can I find this view in the online version? Can you send pictures of where it is?
  3. I only use Evernote on the web. In the note information I do not have, the size of the note in bytes as in the screenshot Rozmiar = size, słów = words, znaków = characters
  4. Of course I looked there first, but there is only information on how many words and characters are in the note. No information in bytes (kB, MB)
  5. Where can I check the size of my notes in bytes?
  6. I suppose when I have this plugin turned on, and I use lists in my notes. It is very hard to click my cursor in line to edit words. What is the solution to this problem except turning off the plugin? See attached file.
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