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Posts posted by kennychua

  1. Oh thank you @agsteeleyou didn't have to do that, but thanks! Quick question while I have you, what software do you use to capture video recordings and the audio? I'm looking for a good one. Thanks!

    @Boot17Wow, I have been using evernote for so long I didn't even know you could rename the attachment from the note!! Thanks again!!

    I'm all good now. Thanks for all the methods!! I've been doing it the long way for so long!! 


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  2. Hi @agsteeleThat is a great! I'm not sure how come I did not think to do it that way!! I just have to modify the scansnap settings to scan to a folder instead to evernote. This workflow change, I can deal with!!! I appreciate your help in this..... sometimes when you've just done something for so long, you fail to be creative think outside the box. Thanks again!!

  3. I'm not sure if this is an important issue for a lot of folks. The reason I went with Evernote like a long time ago was the ability to use my ScanSnap and scan all my paperwork into 1 PDF per 1 Note. ScanSnap's naming convention is just a whole bunch of numbers.pdf. So what I'd do from there is to select all the notes created in Evernote and click on download attachments all at the same time to my local computer. Then I'd start naming them appropriately, for example, 2022-01-01 Tax Refund.pdf.

    After I would do that, I will then reimport all the notes back into Evernote and each note has a more legible title and the pdf attached. That was my workflow for many many years.

    When Evernote decided to revamp everything, this ability was lost. Downloading attachments can only be done like 1 note at a time. I usually scan all my paperwork once every month. So, there's a lot of notes to download and rename. Renaming the pdf is time consuming but worth it to me. But now, if I scanned 100 notes for that month, I'd have to download each pdf 1 by 1 a hundred times. Rename 100 notes and put it all back into Evernote.

    This is the only reason I have not upgraded both my plan and the software and continue to use Evernote Legacy for both my Mac and PC. I've asked Evernote to put this feature back. I would think it would be a simple thing to do. I always get a respond that someone will check if they are planning to do it in the future road map. And no one ever tells me if it would come back or not.

    Is this an unreasonable request? I can't be the only one having this workflow of digitizing all my paperwork?

    Is there a work around? This was kinda how Evernote marketed themselves way back then with the ScanSnap and all. I'd like to know if this will be happening anytime soon and if not, I'd hate to download 10 years of paperwork and try to find another software that can do that.


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